In this thread we will be returning to the subject of Jeffersonian vision of land capital distributism, and some of the practical parameters that must be considered. In passing, however, I would like to inform readers of my recent discovery of the Economic Democracy Act, a very intricate scheme to assure an equitable distribution of capital ownership across the citizenry of the United States, and the brainchild of the Center for Economic Justice , which I strongly urge all readers of this blog to investigate for themselves, as it will be the subject of future treatments here. But this “Third Just Way” approach deals with capital ownership in general, and it is our belief that land distribution is key to attaining social justice and the Recovenanting of America. Obviously, the two approaches are not at all mutually exclusive, and the best of all possible worlds might consist in a merger of the two approaches. Note that the original name for the EDA was “The Capital Homesteading Act.” I wish they hadn’t changed it! It’s a beautiful concept!
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In this thread we will be returning to the subject of Jeffersonian vision of land capital distributism, and some of the practical parameters that must be considered. In passing, however, I would like to inform readers of my recent discovery of the Economic Democracy Act, a very intricate scheme to assure an equitable distribution of capital ownership across the citizenry of the United States, and the brainchild of the Center for Economic Justice , which I strongly urge all readers of this blog to investigate for themselves, as it will be the subject of future treatments here. But this “Third Just Way” approach deals with capital ownership in general, and it is our belief that land distribution is key to attaining social justice and the Recovenanting of America. Obviously, the two approaches are not at all mutually exclusive, and the best of all possible worlds might consist in a merger of the two approaches. Note that the original name for the EDA was “The Capital Homesteading Act.” I wish they hadn’t changed it! It’s a beautiful concept!
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