Semitism, Settlements and Solutions: A dialogue
by Ken Freeland with R Zwarich
This dialogue began when my colleague and fellow writer R Zwarich, posted the following essay, which I (Ken Freeland) hastened to republish on Shamireaders listserve, which was started by Israel Shamir many years ago and of which I am a moderator. Here it is:
The Cult of 'Semitism'
Jewish Supremacy
Deadly Tragedy Brought Down on Their Own Heads
by R Zwarich (posted 4-15-24)
Dear Select Writers and Activists, both 'on the right' and 'on the left', both in our nation, and in other nations:
This is a long essay, (5800 words), so if you are interested at all in what I have to say here, please save it for when you have time. I've thought of dividing it into 3 parts, posted over a number of days, but have decided to just 'publish' this as a single paper.
A couple or so days ago Glenn Greenwald, among the people who have rejected, and in fact 'exploded' the false constructs of 'left' and 'right', which have been so cunningly imposed on our broken and bleeding nation, published an interview with one of our nation's foremost thinkers about Israel, Dr. Norman Finkelstein, who is among our deepest thinkers about the horrific philosophical foundations of not merely 'Zionism', but of 'Semitism' as well.
'Semitism', not referring to an ethnic group, but rather to a belief system, is a concept that at this point in our tragic nation's travails, we must consider, and discuss.
We can discuss 'anti-Zionism' because we know what 'Zionism' is. But as our very Freedom of Speech itself, and our other most basic First Amendment rights are being rapidly abrogated by Jewish American Elite Powers, in the name of forestalling 'anti-Semitism', (the nation's college campuses are under severe attack as I write this, as described in this article published this morning), we don't really have an adequately developed concept in our minds of what 'Semitism' is. If "anti-Semitism" is such a terrible thing, what exactly is 'Semitism'.
I believe that the time has come when we must consider that 'anti-Semitism' is a morally just posture when we consider the reality that comprises 'Semitism'. 'Semitism' is much more than a mere ethnic identity. 'Semitism' is a religiously fanatical belief cult that reasonable people can easily understand is rooted in starkly delusional beliefs, beliefs that are so egregiously delusional that they can be accurately described as "insane", which is the exact word used by Dr. Finkelstein in the interview linked above.
A rapidly increasing number of Jewish people themselves, especially among Jewish Americans, and especially among young Jewish Americans, are finding themselves branded as "anti-Semites", and are struggling against repressive forces to maintain their basic 1st Amendment rights, simply because they vociferously reject the insane zealotry of the belief cult that comprises 'Semitism'. They are making a false distinction between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, because they are glibly conversant with the meaning of 'Zionism', but are willfully ignoring the deeper meaning of this concept of 'Semitism'.
Dr. Finkelstein is a Jewish man whose parents barely survived the horrors wrought upon the Jewish people by the German Nazis in the 1930s and 40s. Thankfully, Dr. Finkelstein is among the growing number of Jewish people, especially among Jewish Americans, who have 'awakened' from the self-destroying insanity of this fanatical 'belief cult', this Cult of Semitism, that has been the DEADLY bane of the the Jewish People for several thousand years. It has been the crazed delusional beliefs held by the people of the highly insular Jewish Tribe that has brought so much DEADLY misery down on these people's own heads.
Not meaning to claim credit, (I send my writing to both Mr. Greenwald and Dr. Finkelstein), but it is gratifying to see when ideas being promoted by some are taken up and promoted by others, especially, of course, by people whose social station affords them more access to communicate with more people than the original promoters do. This is in keeping with my own (possibly foolish) communications strategy of avoiding 'publication' and/or ALL social media, other than direct personal email to individual people with whose work I am familiar, and who I think are in some way 'influential'.
We have all surely heard the powerful words of Victor Hugo, (author of 'Les Miserables'): "Nothing else in the world, not all the armies, is so powerful as an idea whose time has come". As I was explaining to some friends recently, the guiding principle I'm following is that 'ideas whose time has come' will find their OWN 'way around'. And conversely... If ideas' time has not yet come, disseminating them among greater numbers of people will not impart power to them.
At any rate...
Dr. Finkelstein very capably amplifies the warning I sent out just the day before his interview with Mr. Greenwald, which is that as Israel sinks deeper into the spreading gloom of its inevitable defeat, the DEADLY danger this self-declared "Nation State of the Jewish People" presents to the rest of Humanity is dramatically increasing. I am especially gratified to hear Dr. Finkelstein amplify the message that Israel, and its Jewish American foreign agents that control our own US Government, are "crazy"... NOT in merely a metaphorical sense, but rather in an actual 'clinically diagnostic' sense.
These people comprise a crazed "belief cult" that is rooted in 'theorems' (not 'theses', as Dr. Finkelstein makes the distinction), that are completely dingbat, nutball 'crazy'. "Certifiable" is a term that Dr. Finkelstein uses repeatedly. Indeed these Jewish people in Israel, and their Jewish American foreign agents who have captured not just our own government, but our entire nation itself, our entire culture and society under their control, are "certifiably", in a 'clinical' diagnostic sense, CRAZY people.
It's really rather odd how willing we are to consider that historical characters, such as Hitler and his evil agents, were certifiably insane. Can we not open our eyes to the OBVIOUS truth that our OWN nation, our own beloved American Nation, representing the hopes that our ancestors held to create a free and democratic nation, and the dreams so many have dreamed, of "Liberty and Justice for ALL", has fallen under the power of EVIL people who are every bit as starkly insane as those people who rose to power in Germany in the 1930s and 40s?
The fact that our own nation has fallen into a ruinous morass of 'mass psychosis' is due to the fact that we've fallen under the psychological control, via our Mass Media being under their complete control, of a tiny but powerful faction of an ethnic group that is dingbat, nutball INSANE. Their insular and POWERFUL cult belief system holds that they are 'God's favorite people', and that they, in their tiny numbers, (far less than 2 one-thousandths of 1 percent, .0018, of the Earth's total human population), are worth far more, in terms of moral value, in terms of value in the eyes of God, than all the rest of Humanity combined.
To quote directly from the Bible passage linked above, from the King Jame's English translation of the Jewish Bible, which Christians call the 'Old Testament'; from Deuteronomy, Chapter 7, Verse 6:
"For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth".
Diagnosed objectively, the only possible clinical diagnosis that fits these people's warped belief cult, their belief that they are somehow morally superior to all other humans, indeed to all the rest of Humanity itself, is that they are CRAZY PEOPLE. Even a large percentage of Jewish people who are NOT 'religious', who do not adhere to Judaism as a religion, manage to internalize this CRAZED belief in the 'Cult of Jewish Supremacy', this crazed belief that Jews are God's favorite people. Even Jewish people who are atheists, who don't believe in God, believe in this insane cult belief that Jewish people are superior in moral value to all the rest of Humanity.
That crazed belief, that stark insanity, is the heartbeat of the Cult of 'Semitism'.
This belief cult, (NOT the living people, mind you, but the belief system itself), is a DEADLY cancer on all Humanity. This Cult of Semitism, this crazed cult of Jewish Supremacy, has been growing like a cancer on our Human Soul for thousands of years. It must be excised from the Earth, and from these poor tragic Jewish people's own hearts and minds, before it kills us ALL, which, as we can ALL surely see, might be VERY soon.
As I pointed out in my own 'warning' posted recently, and as Dr. Finkelstein emphatically reinforces, these people, in their clinically psychotic Cult of Semitism, have come to believe that they, the tiny number of 16 million Jewish people now alive on the Earth, are more important, that they have much more 'moral value', than ALL the rest of us 'goyim', all 8500 million of us, combined, and in their pathological diseased sickness, in their crazed Cult of Semitism, these Jewish Israelis, and their Jewish American foreign agents, are currently and VERY avidly trying to incite WW3, rather than admit defeat in their multi-millennia long determination that they must rule over all Humanity, and their belief that the rest of us, we 'goyim', (a highly derogatory term analogous to the 'N' word), are only here on Earth to serve them.
These crazy people, this Cult of Semitism, are actually putting what's been called the Samson Option in motion. If they cannot rule over the rest of us, as in their stark insanity they believe is their rightful place and role, then they intend to kill us ALL!
This is REAL, people.
These crazy people are REALLY doing everything they can to try to incite a shooting war between our nation and Iran, a war that considering Iran's de facto alliance with Russia and China, can only quickly escalate into an all-out WW3. This is EXACTLY what these crazy morally depraved people in Israel, and their Jewish American foreign agents, are trying as hard as they can to cause to happen.
It's a giant game of global 'chicken'. Remember the scene in the movie? ALL our lives, and all our families' lives, and the lives of every person we love, are at stake...
We can see these poor tragic Jewish people's stark-raving insanity very clearly and plainly in their constant psychopathic propensity for self-delusional lying. They seem to actually believe their own psychopathic lies, no matter how enormous the scope of those lies might be. And they think that their psychopathological insistence that their delusional lies are TRUE grants them the commanding power to make us all believe their constant lies, no matter how blatantly ridiculous and/or absurd those lies may be.
This behavior, this Cult of Semitism, has now, under their diseased influence and effective control, become the habitual behavior of our OWN nation, a once powerful nation of some 330 million people, which has now been reduced to being a vassal of the 7 million crazed, morally depraved Jews in this tiny foreign country, in this certifiably insane "Nation State of the Jewish People", (which they have actually passed a 'law' declaring themselves to be).
These people are SO crazy that they actually have come to believe that they have the raw power to make mass numbers of us 'goyim', billions upon teeming billions of us, disbelieve what we can see with OUR OWN DAMN EYES. They commit bloody mass murder, wantonly butchering thousands upon thousands of defenseless people, including tens of thousands of mothers and children and babies, right before our very eyes, right out in broad daylight, then they turn to us, hands stills dripping red, lashes batting like an innocent maiden's, and say, "We didn't just do what you ALL just SAW us do".
These people are doing this now, of course, but this is just the most recent in a long train of Israeli atrocities. These people are SO crazy that they think they have a license to butcher people in large numbers with impunity, and then INSIST that they did NOT just do what we ALL saw them do.
In the course of his interview, Dr. Finkelstein cites the craziness of an Israeli agent who recently spoke before the UN Security Council. This Ashkenazi (European) Jewish man perfectly demonstrates the starkness of these people's self-delusional insanity, as he so characteristically recites a completely fictitious version of historical events, wanting us to believe that Hamas attacked poor innocent little Israel for NO REASON AT ALL, other than because the Palestinian Arabs are monstrous sub-human creatures who like to kill poor, innocent Jewish people for NO REASON AT ALL.
The actual History, of course, is already indelibly written. We ALL know what really happened. These crazed people, like this Ashkenazi Jewish man speaking to the UNSC, think they can erase History itself to conform to their certifiably insane self-delusions.
Spouting the colossal Big Lie of "a land without people for a people without a land", (the land was densely inhabited, by both Arabs and indigenous Jews, who had lived side by side, mostly in peace, for millennia), Ashkenazi Jews from Europe, who were, and are, at best only distantly related to the indigenous Jews of Palestine, came to Palestine and immediately began using the most heinous forms of raw terrorism imaginable, going door to door in small villages, like Deir Yassin, lobbing hand grenades into the midst of defenseless families huddled in utter terror in their own homes, which caused a mass of nearly a million of the Arab people of Palestine to flee their homes and land in terror, whereupon the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe seized those people's homes and land and called it "Israel".
Thus was Israel born from the bloody terrorism of European Jews, who are, at best, only VERY distantly related to the indigenous Jewish people of Palestine, and their CLOSELY related Semitic cousins, the Palestinian Arabs.
As History has already indelibly recorded, many of the people who fled their homes and land in fear of the Ashkenazi Jewish terrorists, were herded into the Gaza Strip, where their descendants have now lived, as constantly tortured prisoners of the Israeli Ashkenazi Jews from Europe, for generation after generation, living with the cruel hob-nailed jackboot of Israel on their necks since April of 1948. The youngest babies now being butchered by these certifiably crazed Israeli murderers are the great-great-great grandchildren of the people who fled villages like Deir Yassin in utter terror. Generation after generation of these long-suffering people have lived under the torture of Israel's starkly vicious insanity, for all these 76 long bloody years of imposed famine, filthy water, and periodic mass murder.
But should these people ever even TRY to rise up to fight back against their crazed Ashkenazi Jewish torturers, the European Jewish people will, and do, as we can ALL see, and as we ALL have seen for all these 76 years, simply kill them in large numbers, slaughtering defenseless people, including mothers, and children, and babies, indiscriminately, while demonizing them as sub-human creatures for daring to aspire to throw the Jewish Jackboot off their necks, so their beloved children can live on the Earth as free people... free to pursue their own dreams.
Yet, set against these indelibly recorded FACTS of HISTORY, this certifiably delusionally INSANE Ashkenazi Jewish Israeli man can stand before all of Humanity, addressing the UNSC, telling the most outrageous LIES, (which he himself, in his delusional insanity, seems to believe), by characterizing the monstrous Nation State of the Jewish People's victims as sub-human monsters attacking poor innocent little Israel, (cue the maiden's batting lashes), for NO REASON AT ALL.
And this OBVIOUSLY certifiably INSANE Israeli man thinks Israel can command and force all of Humanity to believe these utterly delusional, these sick and diseased, Big Lies.
In discussing Iran's considerations of a response to Israel's deadly murderous attack on the Iranian Consulate in Damascus, Dr. Finkelstein points out that Iran, which has chosen NOT to respond to many of Israel's deadly murderous provocations, (the repeated murders of military leaders, and even of civilian scientists), realized that it HAD to respond, or else Israel would just launch another deadly provocation.
As Dr. Finkelstein points out so capably, this crazed 'mad-dog' nation of Israel's primary objective now is to provoke its trained pit-bull attack dog, the US, to attack Iran, by provoking Iran to launch a large scale attack on Israel, thereby almost certainly triggering WW3. Israel does not care, at ALL, that a US attack on Iran will immediately cause DEADLY suffering among the American People. Israel does NOT care, not one WHIT, about the well-being of the American People, other than, of course, about its Jewish American foreign agents operating to control the American government, using their total (as in 'totalitarian') control of our Mass Media to herd the American People into compliance-inducing fear and general tribal hysteria.
"They provoke, and they provoke, and they provoke", Dr. Finkelstein says in the interview, until their targeted victim is finally forced to respond, whereupon Israel bats its maiden's lashes and blames its targeted victim for being the aggressor.
This is their boiler-plate modus operandi, (their "MO" in investigators' parlance). This is, for example, exactly what the cunning Jewish Elites who control the US Government, and whose openly stated objective, as per the so-called Wolfowitz Doctrine, is to rule over all the nations on Earth, to literally 'rule the world', to rule as Tyrants over all Humanity, (just as they already rule as Tyrants over the American People), so recently did to Russia, and are now insistently doing to China, and as they do to EVERY nation that DARES to defy their commands. They "provoke, and provoke, and provoke", just as Dr. Finkelstein said. They are like the bully who pushes a peaceable man, who doesn't want to fight. The peaceable man backs up, The bully pushes him again. The peaceable man backs up. The bully pushes again. Eventually most 'peaceable men' will have taken enough, and will strike back at his tormentor, whereupon the Israeli-taught US Empire bully will bat its maiden's lashes and blame its targeted victims for the "aggression" of their "unprovoked" attack.
This is, of course, exactly what the Jewish-dominated US Empire did in Ukraine. They provoked Russia continually, over and over again, as Russia tried every way possible to negotiate a peaceful solution, until Russia had no other choice than to send its troops across its own border into Ukraine. Despite the indelibly recorded FACTS of HISTORY, despite the FACTS of what actually HAPPENED, which all Humanity can clearly see, the US Empire, now gone fully 'Talmudic' under its Jewish-dominated Ruling Tyrants, insists that they have the raw power to INSANELY command all Humanity to disbelieve what we can see so clearly with OUR OWN DAMN EYES! These certifiably CRAZY people who control our nation, these Jewish-dominated Tyrants who control ALL our Mass Media, insist that they can FORCE us to believe that Russia's clearly defensive Special Military Operation was an act of "unprovoked aggression".
Under the full effective control of Jewish American foreign agents, our nation's entire existence is now a gigantic Big Lie. We are no longer a democracy, while still pretending to be one. Our nation, and especially our support for Israel's monstrously depraved behavior, is vehemently hated by most of Humanity, while we still pretend to be a "shining city on a hill' inspiring all Humanity with our sheer goodness. We have long ago seen the death of public honor. We ALL now know that all our politicians, and our entire government, lie to us constantly, and with complete impunity. Our entire government has been fully transformed into a giant stinking sewer-swamp of fully legalized bribery. As the Jewish-dominated Super-Wealthy Elites steadily increase and consolidate their tyrannical power over our lives, our people have been intentionally and artfully divided into mutually hateful camps, which we compliantly call 'left' and 'right', despite the fact that these factions are defined by factors that have nothing at all to do with the traditional 'class conscious' meaning of the terms 'left' and 'right'. These terms are rather defined by primitive tribal and cultural conceits over racial, and sexual, and other primitive tribal identities, especially over issues supporting promiscuous and hedonistic sexual behavior, especially deviant sexual behavior.
Both artfully created factions hate each other with great passion, but neither faction presents any opposition at ALL to the Jewish-dominated Ruling Elites' power, and no viable candidate for the office of POTUS is even allowed to oppose putting Israel's interests FAR above the actual security and well-being of the American People. Our hard earned wages, which won't even any longer provide a dignified life for our own children and families, are purloined as taxes that are sent to benefit Israel, while 1 out of every 6 American children go to bed hungry most nights, (they are 'food insecure'). People in Israel have a higher per capita income than Americans do, but our government, under the control of Israel's Jewish American foreign agents, sends Israel billions upon billions of dollars of financial support and subsidy, robbing that money from our paychecks against our will.
The History of the Cult of Semitism just keeps repeating itself, as it has for the entire 2000 years of the Jewish Diaspora. Until relatively recently, (until the younger generations of Jewish Americans), the success of the Jewish Tribe in enforcing its 'taboos' against inter-marriage, thereby enforcing its own determination that it remain a highly insular tribe, refusing to assimilate into the shared culture of the people and societies they have lived among, has been astounding, far surpassing that of any other ethnic group that has migrated to live as a minority among dominant ethnic groups. Openly declaring themselves to be God's favorite people surely did not endear them to other ethnic groups, nor did their powerful taboos against inter-marriage. "Your children are not good enough toi marry our children". The Jewish Tribe lived as small minorities among other ethnic groups in all the societies they migrated to live among.
But they used their fiercely determined tribal insularity as a social 'weapon'. Acting and working in unison, as a fanatically cohesive tribal group, toward their collective tribals goals, gave them a powerful advantage over all other ethnic groups in every society, which all competed against each other, and among themselves, for economic and social power. As the others did so, as the others competed against one another, the highly insular Jewish tribe very specifically and purposefully targeted the collective objective of gaining control over the most crucial 'levers of power' in every society they lived among.
First and foremost, they ALWAYS targeted the monetary system, including gaining control of issuing currency, as well as control of the banking and financial credit system, which, of course, gave them hugely outsized influence, compared to their percentage of the population, of every society's general economy, and as an extension, over every society's governing powers. They also targeted exerting control over the societies' legal systems and academic hierarchies. Most crucially, especially after the invention of the printing press in the 15th century, the insular Jewish tribes targeted and gained control over every society's means of communication, especially, of course, over all Mass Media.
Since they always comprised such a minuscule percentage of every society's population, while exerting such hugely outsized control over the lives of the majority of the people, and as a result of their overbearing cultural arrogance, (holding themselves openly to be God's favorite people, far above allowing their children to marry from among the inferior people), the Jewish tribe eventually became first resented, then vehemently HATED by every societies' other people. These Jewish people, this culturally arrogant tribe, this deliberately and fanatically insular Cult of Semitism, has ALWAYS become so hated by the societies' other people that they have been expelled, en masse, from over 100 different societies they have lived among, usually with varying degrees of deadly violence used as a method to encourage them to leave.
As I said in a recent essay, no decent moral person would suggest that the Jewish people 'deserved' the deadly violence that all those dozens of different societies wrought upon them, but still, we can observe and recognize that it was the behavior of the Jewish people themselves that caused so much hatred to ALWAYS rise against them. Hitler was, of course, a demagogic monster, and what he did to Jewish people was an horrific crime against Humanity. But the reason that Hitler so easily aroused so much deadly ire against Jewish people was due to the miseries that Jewish powers had wrought upon the German people.
I am not a scholar of History, (reading History is rather a lifelong hobby of mine), but I do not know of a SINGLE instance in which Jewish people have not come to be hated, to extreme degrees, and to even suffer deadly violence, at the hands of the other people they have lived among. I invite anyone to please name such an instance. Can anyone name a SINGLE historical instance of Jewish people living as an ethnic group among other people, without coming to be hated, to be vehemently despised by those people? Can anyone name a SINGLE instance of Jewish people, as an ethnic group, assimilating to live peacefully and harmoniously with other people and cultures they have lived among, over the entire 2000 years of the Jewish Diaspora?
But despite being universally despised by so many diverse and different societies, by people of diverse and different cultures and nations, the Cult of Semitism demands that we believe that this remarkable historical record is a story about the suffering of the poor, innocent Jewish people at the hands of all those other people.
Yea... but... Why?... Why did ALL those people, without exception, come to hate you so vehemently? You want us to believe that your own behavior has been as morally pure toward other people as the proverbial 'driven snow'. You want us to believe that over this period of two full millennia, it was ALWAYS the moral depravity of the OTHER PEOPLE, rather than your own, that was the cause of your coming to be so universally despised?
Hmm... Uhhh...
As you are currently perpetrating the utter moral depravity of a bloody mass murder of defenseless people of historic proportions, right before our very eyes, a mass murder that will be remembered for at least centuries, and likely for thousands of years in Humanity's annals, (assuming we can survive our current existential crisis), a mass murder that will be remembered as an example of the depths of sheer and utter moral depravity to which an entire nation can fall, even as you do this, even with your hands still dripping red, you're asking us stupid 'goyim', as stupid as you clearly think we are, to believe in your historical fairy tale, in your Jewish fairy tale of legendary Jewish suffering, far worse, of course, than ANY other people have EVER suffered, your Jewish fairy tale of the suffering of all those poor, innocent Jews, on which your entire odious Cult of Semitism, this evil cult of Jewish Supremacy, is based?
With your hands still dripping the blood of tens of thousands of defenseless people, you want us to believe this Jewish fairy tale of your pure innocence? (Cue the maiden's batting lashes).
Well... Uhhh.... Okey doke, then... I'll have to scratch my head on that one for a while... (sarcasm alert!)...
This tragic history of the Cult of Semitism is now repeating itself in our own nation. Comprising only 2% of our population, Jewish Americans have captured control over virtually ALL our American society's most crucial levers of power. They control our monetary system, (the actual creation of our money). They control our banking and financial system. They centrally control ALL our Mass Media, of course, which gives them psychological control of our society's exceedingly 'sick' culture. Through their control of Mass Media, they completely control our electoral system, and thus our government. Through their immense financial power, they control our colleges and universities. Through their compliantly trained Woke Cult forces, they control our entire system of public education, using their control to teach our children to embrace every extreme form of sexual deviancy, and to teach our children that the majority of our nation's people are evil racists. They control BOTH political parties. They control Trump. They control Biden. They control the only viable third party candidate, Bobby Kennedy's kid.
They have our entire society so firmly under their effective control that there is no organized political force in our nation, no party, no faction, no leaders, no candidates, no force of any kind, that is even mounting any opposition at ALL to their power. The two major factions into which they have so artfully divided our nation's Common People\ are far too busy fighting each other to even think about organizing into a Political Front to fight the Jewish-dominated Tyrants who actually rule over us ALL.
And they are NOW using their complete effective control of our nation to do EVERYTHING they can, using ALL their immense power, to try to drag our tragic sad-sack of a fallen nation into fighting WW3, SOLELY for the benefit of the certifiably crazed and utterly morally demented 7 million Jews in the tiny foreign country that calls itself the "Nation State of the Jewish People', who are foreigners who have NO loyalty whatsoever to us, to the American People.
Well... We Americans have no one to blame but ourselves for being so inattentive, so distracted by "bread and circus", by hedonistic individualism, that we've allowed this to happen right under our very noses. But we have... And now, as the shadow of apocalyptic war darkens our skies, a war that the morally demented nation of Israel is doing everything it can to cause to happen, the American People are beginning to wake up from our insouciant distractions. And as we do, and as we begin to realize the power that the tiny foreign nation of Israel now holds over us, with its Jewish American foreign agents using their power over us to endanger our own beloved families' lives, hatred of 'the Jews', pure raw hatred, is, quite naturally, palpably beginning to rise.
It is simply our basest human nature to hate people who threaten our own families' lives, safety, and welfare.
History has again come full circle. The Jewish people have again brought this rising hatred of them down on their own heads. How long before this rising EVIL spirit of hatred begins to erupt into deadly violence against 'the Jews'?
We must NOT allow this to happen. We, as a nation, as a people, must NOT allow ourselves to hate ALL the members of a group because of the behavior of SOME members of that group. We must NOT allow hatred to rise against ALL Jewish people due to the odious behavior of SOME Jewish people.
In a remarkable article published on April 18th in CounterPunch, entitled 'Why They Hate Us: Anti-Zionism in the Jewish Community', a writer name Alan Wagman tries to explain why Jewish people who adhere to the Cult of Semitism hold a special, MUCH hotter degree of hatred for 'fallen Jews', for Jews that the crazed Cult of Semitism regards as 'traitors' to their Cult of Jewish Supremacy, than for we mere stupid 'goyim' speaking up to oppose their increasingly Tyrannical Rule over our lives.
What these people of the Cult of Semitism can clearly see is that the insularity of their Jewish Tribe is rapidly breaking down in America. Young Jews, especially younger Jewish Americans, are actually beginning to assimilate into the common prevailing culture. Young Jewish Americans are even violating en masse the tribal taboo against inter-marriage.
Inter-marriage is, of course, the peal of the death knell for the 2000 year old Cult of Semitism. Young Jewish Americans are rejecting the cult belief in Jewish Supremacy. They are living harmoniously among the other ethnic groups that comprise our society. They are taking their places in society as mere 'equals' to non-Jewish people. They are forming sacred family bonds with non-Jewish people.
Israel's fate is sealed. Israel has destroyed itself. Humanity is still recovering from our gape-jawed shock over Israel's complete revelation of its utter moral depravity, but already Humanity is firmly resolved that as Israel, as a nation state, crumbles into ruin before our very eyes, as its economy falls into shambles, the world's Family of Nations will simply not allow Israel to continue to exist in its current state of moral depravity. 7 million Jews are completely surrounded by hundreds of millions of enraged Arab people, and by well over a billion enraged Muslim people. Without the US paper-tiger military to fight its wars, (attacking Iran would immediataely cause our own economy to fall into utter ruin), the hate-soaked "Nation State of the Jewish People" is already doomed.
The stark Evil of Zionism is already falling into defeat. But as it does, the Cult of Semitism becomes an even greater threat to us all, to all Humanity.
There are only two possible courses that can resolve this situation to allow Jewish people to continue to live in Palestine. Either the vaunted IDF will accept full responsibility for expelling the fanatical and heavily armed Jewish settlers from the West Bank, to behind the 1967 Green Line, to allow physical territory to exist for the so-called 'two state solution', or else the "one-state solution" will be imposed on the region by the rest of Humanity, mandating that Jews and Arabs will live as EQUALS, with full democratic rights for ALL, in the unified State of Palestine.
Either way, from the River to the Sea, Palestine WILL BE free!
In the current atmosphere dominated by stark clinical insanity, both courses seem impossible, of course. Trying to remove the settlers would mean the IDF engaging in a deadly civil war against heavily armed fellow Jews. Creating a single state, given the sheer enormity of the enmity between Jews and Arabs in this land now controlled by Israel, seems impossible as well.
And thus here we are... teetering on the very brink of Humanity's self-annihilation...
In the article linked above, Mr. Wagman writes:
"I believe Jewish Voice for Peace and other anti-Zionist Jews have two sets of roles, one outside the Jewish community and one inside the Jewish community. Outside, our primary roles have been to work toward a day when all who live between the River and the Sea enjoy freedom, equality, and dignity and to show the world that Jews are not monolithic.
Inside, we have crossed a line, where our primary role within the Jewish community is no longer to be carriers and chroniclers of that hidden and unwelcome truth. That truth may still be unwelcome, but it is no longer under wraps. One need only look at the coverage in mainstream media that would have been unthinkable as recently as October 6 of last year. The truth is out.
Our primary role now is to demonstrate that there are Jewish values and traditions that go back thousands of years and do not depend upon a Euro-centric political ideology born less than 150 years ago. In other words, we must demonstrate that one can leave Zionism and still be part of a Jewish community that lives its traditions, its values, and – if so inclined – its spiritual life with vitality and integrity."
Well... I suppose we risk asking too much of these courageous young Jewish Americans, to ask them to dig deeper, to go further, to go beyond simply opposing 'Zionism', to look deeper into the history of their own Ancient Tribe, to acknowledge the role this Jewish Tribe has played, so consistently in so many different societies, which has caused so much hatred to fall on their own heads.
Yea... I suppose that is asking a LOT... But the existential nature of the emergency that Humanity now faces is such that we must ask these courageous young Jews to do exactly that.
They must reach deeper than mere opposing 'Zionism'. They must find their way to oppose the ancient Cult of Semitism, the ancient Cult of Jewish Supremacy itself.
They are, of course, already doing so, whether consciously or not. They are openly defying the taboos and beliefs of the deadly Cult of Semitism, which for thousands of years now has brought so much deadly suffering down on the Jewish people's own heads.
We define anti-Zionism as being opposed to Zionism. Let us define anti-Semitism not as being opposed to an ethnic group, but rather as being opposed to the Cult of Semitism, as being opposed to this certifiably crazed belief in Jewish Supremacy, which has been a deadly cancer growing on Humanity's Soul for thousands of years.
As such, "anti-Semitism" is a morally 'just' social posture.
I hope all are well, and in Strong Spirit.
Simius Cognitius.
I then wrote to R Zwarich the following note:
Well written, but this one-state solution ALSO requires the dispossession of the settlements. Otherwise it amounts to "ok,you can have equal rights now,but we're keeping the best land that we stole by force from your parents,and you can just find your future on what we haven't stolen ." That's just not going to work!
To which he replied:
Your point is well-taken, but many of History's injustices can simply never be rectified. Human History is a long tragic story of deadly tribal strife, one tribe stealing the resources of any other tribe they could overwhelm and conquer, according to the only 'law' that prevailed, Nature's Law, the law of survival of the strongest, often called the 'law of the jungle'. All the injustices humans have wrought on one another cannot be undone any more than a hard-boiled egg can be unboiled to make an omelet instead.
The great Hammurabi is credited with creating the concept of law itself, of justice. "An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth" is a well-known morsel from the 'Code of Hammurabi', but his famous 'Code' contained thousands of lines specifying in great detail the legal rules of his kingdom. But Hammurabi's written code of laws only applied to and among his own tribe. He made no law that forbid robbing competing tribes, or that forbid blinding them and/or rendering them toothless, in order to steal their land and resources. Indeed he did just that, conquering bordering 'kingdoms', while often being accused of using deceit to his advantage.
Our concept of 'International Law', guided by a code of 'Universally Shared Human Morality', (that we must treat others, even those in other tribes, as we would have them treat us), is only very recently born into the world.
You surely know Little Bobby's 'Song to Woody'. "Hey, hey Woody Guthrie, I wrote you a song, about a funny ol' world that's a-comin' along. It's sick and it's hungry, it's tired and it's torn. It looks like it's a-dyin' and it's hardly been born". It must be superbly gratifying to Dylan, in his old age, to hear this young woman sing this song he wrote as a peach-faced teen-ager. His gratification surely follows from the idea from his friend Pete Seeger, to "hand the old banjo, to young one stronger". This is a line from his song 'Quite Early Morning', linked here as sung in tribute to him by his sister. Here's ole Pete himself singing it, along with a few of his 'dearest friends'.
As Humanity now teeters on the edge of self-annihilation, this concept of inter-tribal / international 'justice' has "hardly been born". Within the living memory of many of us older folks, there was no concept that it was 'wrong' for a powerful nation to conquer, rule over, and exploit the wealth and resources of weaker nations. I was born in '48, only two weeks before Gandhi was murdered. Our modern concepts of 'international justice', our concept of a generalized human morality, our concept that we must treat ALL others, not just those in our own tribe, as we would have them treat us, was, at that time, a relatively new idea that was just starting to spread. Gandhi died as a result of his advocacy for this new idea in the world that had, when he died, "hardly been born".
I'm personally inclined to think that the one-state solution is 'less impossible'. We can't make all the Ashkenazi Jews go back to Europe after giving Palestine back to the people they stole it from, any more than we can give North America back to the stone-age peoples and cultures that white Europeans stole it from. An egg cannot be unboiled.
It won't be up to people like us, at least not directly. (Our advocacy my be contributing in some small way). It will have to be 'negotiated' between the parties involved, (though likely at the point of a sword, as was the Magna Carta). If offered full and equal democratic rights in all the land 'from the River to the Sea', with all their displaced families welcomed to return, and possibly with the incentive of guarantees of international economic investments for development, (Gaza could be transformed, for example, into a prosperous tourist destination and commercial center, providing prosperous productive lives for its population, as one can imagine a Riviera of the Levant), I think it's likely that the Palestinian Arabs would accept the Jewish settlers keeping their stolen land.
But I sure could be wrong. Thanks for writing, You make a very good point.
I then added the following comment:
This question is not only about justice, which it surely is (and recall the time-honored aphorism "no justice, no peace"), but it is also about international law and whether humanity is ready to take it seriously. So I consider your argument anachronistic. It is true that the concept is relatively new in human history, but the establishment of and international subscription to the UN and it's legal appertures is a done deal. The only question now is whether the international community of nations will take it seriously.
Though agents of the Zionist Entity committed isolated war crimes and crimes against humanity prior to 1967, the settlements represent the real camel's nose under the tent in terms of open scofflawing of international law by Zionist Jews. These rulings by the international legal system can never be made whole again until Israel is made to abide by them,and settlement activity past and present is standing proof of Israel's lawlessness, and the law's weakness. It also sets an important precedent for other nations who might be similarly tempted to disregard international law. And in any case,it would enshrine Israeli exceptionalism into the international jurisprudence, something I'm confident many Zionists already espouse, but which would spell the death of respect for international law. There is more at stake here than the land forcibly stolen by the settlers .
It was at this point that I realized we were debating a serious issue, and I asked R Zwarich to consider formalizing it. Our dialogue ensued from there, which is reproduced below:
RZ: The historical evidence seems very conclusive in showing that the Ashkenazi Zionists from Europe never intended to allow the possibility of adopting the original UN partition of Palestine. Resolution 181, adopted in 1947, which mandated the creation of two sovereign states, one for the European Jews, and one for the indigenous Arabs.
All the historical evidence since the adoption of Resolution 181 suggests that the European (Ashkenazi) Jews never for one second had any intention whatsoever to allow the creation of a sovereign Arab state in Palestine.
When we talk about the UN representing "international law", we must surely recognize that that is very much still a 'work in progress', not a "done deal", as you claimed it to be.
We can all hope that the UN will develop into a genuinely democratic body that can act as an arbiter of international law, to arbitrate the behavior of nations. But law cannot exist without law enforcement, and the UN yet has no way to restrain the behavior of the most powerful nations. Until it does, international law will remain an ideal toward which Humanity is striving.
As I argued in my recent paper, the Jewish Cult of Semitism, the Cult of Jewish Supremacy, has always allowed Jewish people to exert a hugely outsized degree of power, many times greater (exponentially greater) than their tiny percentage of the population, in every society and nation they have lived among. Israel thus has always existed under the protection of powerful nations in which Jews exerted controlling power. Those nations, primarily the UK and the US, but other European nations as well, are the very nations that have never bowed to the authority of the UN to arbitrate or restrain their behavior.
The original UN partition of Palestine was an act of giving away other people's land, by powerful nations who claimed that they had the 'just' authority to do so, simply because they claimed imperial authority over that land as their own colonial property. They claimed ownership over other people's land, and they used their power over the brand new (at that time) UN structure to give other people's land to European (Ashkenazi) Jews, who are only very distantly related to the indigenous Jews of Palestine.
The indigenous Jews of Palestine are MUCH more closely related (genetically) to the Palestinian Arabs than to the Ashkenazi (European) Jews. A prevailing opinion among historians is that after the entire Jewish religious hierarchy, the Sanhedrin, and a few thousand of their followers, were banished from Palestine by the Romans, in the first century AD, many of the leaderless Jews who remained behind, which was most of the Jewish population, converted, over time, to Christianity, and then, after the Prophet Mohammed came, converted to Islam. The present day Palestinian Arabs are thus, according to this opinion prevailing among historians, largely the descendants of the ancient Jews of Palestine.
The point here is that the UN, under the control of nations in which European Jews, especially Jewish banking powers, exerted controlling power, was giving away other people's land when it partitioned Palestine in 1947, only a matter of a few months after the UN Charter itself was ratified. The UN, under the control of the primary victors in WW2, gave other people's land to European Jews, under the guise of the outright Big Lie, ("a land without people for a people without a land"), that Plaestine was a mostly unpopulated territory.
The point I'm making here, which I made in a much more general way in my previous response to your assertion, Ken, that actualizing even a 'one state solution' will require rectifying past injustice by removing the illegal Jewish settlers from the West Bank territory, is that if we're going to try to unboil an egg, if we think we have the power to rectify historical injustices, why stop with the illegal West Bank Settlements, a policy that dates from the early to mid 1970s, (see Sharon's Pastrami Sandwich)? Why not go all the way back to the original injustice that gave other people's land to European (Ashkenazi) Jews in 1947?
If we think we have the power to remove the heavily armed Jewish people now deeply dug into the soil of the West Bank, (as evil, cunning Sharon knew they would be), many of whom were born on that land, why stop there? Why not rectify the 'original sin' of the 1947 UN Resolution 181, that partitioned Palestine, thereby giving away other people' land? If we're going to pretend that we have the capacity and power to rectify History's injustices, why not remove all the European Jews from Palestine, and give all the land, rather than just the West Bank land, back to its rightful owners?
Surely we all recognize that that would be impossible, for many reasons I'll not cite here. Yet you maintain that it IS possible to remove the Jewish settlers from the West Bank.
In claiming their biblical deed to all of Palestine, from the river to the sea, their claimed deed to Eretz Israel, the Ashkenazi (European) Jews, who are more closely related, genetically, to Caucasian Europeans than to the indigenous Jews of Palestine, are seeking to rectify the 'sins' that the Romans wrought on them some 2000 years ago.
Where is the cut-off point? If we think we can rectify all the tragic 'sins' wrought by we humans on one another, how far back are we going to foolishly claim to have the power to go?
To people born on land in the West Bank, their roots are down DEEP in that soil. They will fight, they will die, before they will give up their land. And they are ALL heavily armed.
We can't give North America back to its indigenous people. Where would the 300+ million 'immigrants' now living in America go? Do we think they would agree to leave?
You can't unboil an egg to make an omelet instead
I'm not arguing against your terms of 'justice', Ken. I'm only pointing out that all of our Human History is a long tragic story of injustice wrought by tribes of humans on other tribes of humans, and that we just don't have the power, we don't have the capacity, to rectify all those injustices.
We can't give North America back to its rightful owners, back to the stone-age people who possessed it when Europeans came. We can't restore African Americans to their homelands. We simply cannot unboil an egg to make an omelet instead.
In America today we have a large and powerful faction of people, known by many as the "crazed Woke Cult", who want to punish the living for the sins of the dead. Look where that's gotten us, as we now wonder whether it's more likely that our next election will take place, or whether the faction in power will cancel the election and declare Martial Law, whereupon, in our heavily armed nation, a bloody civil war may ensue.
The people born in the West Bank, the people known as 'the settlers', the people now living there, the people now raising their own children there, are, for the most part, not the people who stole that land. Their parents and grandparents were. Just EXACTLY as the evil, cunning butcher of Sabra and Shatilla, the obscenely corpulent, farting monster Sharon, sitting down to his pastrami sandwich, knew that they would, those people born on that land, their roots grown DEEPLY into that soil, will use the M-16s they ALL own to fight for that land.
Who will remove them, Ken? Are you proposing that the UN should send troops to die fighting them, to kill them, to get them off that land?
When all that blood has soaked into the West Bank soil, will you then feel satisfied that justice was done?
Have you ever seen the movie 'Invictus', Ken? It is the story of Nelson Mandela's attempts to unify South Africa after the apartheid regime was eradicated. A Nation cannot be created among people who hate each other for past sins. For that nation to be created, people had to find a way to forgive each other for their past sins.
All Human Morality is rooted in very simple concepts. We must treat others as we wish to be treated by them. If others treat us badly, we must STILL treat them, in return, as we wish to be treated. I know you are a Christian, Ken. Was that not Christ's most basic message? Love thine enemy? Turn the other cheek?
"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us". We are ALL human sinners. Are we not? Let she, or he, who claims not to be, cast the first stone. If we expect to be forgiven for our own sins, we must learn the excruciatingly difficult task of forgiving others for theirs.
Rectifying all of Human History's tragic sins is not possible. We must instead beg forgiveness for our own sins, as we forgive others for theirs.
That is the ONLY way that Humanity can forestall our own self-annihilation, which, as we can all surely see, is VERY close upon us.
Forgiveness is the CRUCIAL key to creating the world you imagine, Ken, a world in which justice reigns over all Humanity... A world in which nations adhere to international law. No nation on Earth is without sin. Every nation must acknowledge its own trespasses, and extend forgiveness to every other that has trespassed against it.
The first order of 'business' of course, before the forgiveness can even begin, is for all nations to stop trespassing on other nations.
Humanity has arrived at the crucial cusp of History, the point at which our very survival, as a species of creatures living on this planet, is immediately upon us, in the near term, not in some distant future, as it was when the Great Prophets, like Jesus and Mohammed and Confucius, and Gautama, last walked among us.
We have arrived at the point at which we cannot fix ANYTHING until we find a way to fix EVERYTHING. We cannot sit down as 'United' Nations while the US, under the power of the Cult of Jewish Supremacy, continues in its unholy crazed desire to rule over all the other nations that comprise Humanity.
We cannot create either a 'two state solution', or a 'one state solution' in Palestine until other momentous events first take place.
"When those who make the law break the law, then there is no law". -- Billy Jack.
International Law simply does not yet exist, other than as a hoped-for concept. International law cannot exist as long as the Cult of 'Semitism', the Cult of Jewish Supremacy, which controls the US Empire, continues to insanely demand that the US Empire must rule over all Humanity.
The US Empire holds international law in complete contempt. The US Empire demands that all other nations must follow the Empire's "rules based order", a set of rules that the Empire itself, including Israel, of course, is not required to follow.
The US is itself a nation now lost and reeling in mass insanity. We can all see that the US Empire is teetering on the edge of falling into utter ruin. The primary factor that has created our nation's prevailing insanity, this mass insanity which threatens us all with the outbreak of massive degrees of deadly violence, has been our efforts to come to terms, as a nation, with our own sins, as the crazed Woke Cult demands that the living be punished for the sins of the dead.
As 'the living', we must acknowledge our nation's sins, but we must not punish ourselves for the sins of 'the dead'. We must forgive ourselves for our nation's sins, but first, before we dare to expect to be forgiven, we must learn to forgive others for theirs.
To be forgiven, we must forgive. Does your professed Christian religion not teach you that, Ken?
No power currently exists on Earth that can remove the Jewish settlers from the West Bank without massive bloodshed.
I am relatively certain, (although I sure could be wrong), that with the promise of achieving equal rights in all the land "from the River to the Sea", and with the promise that the 'right of return' would be fulfilled, and being incentified by promises of financing for economic development, (such as building Gaza into a prosperous seaside international destination-resort and commercial center), the Palestinian Arabs would be willing to accept the 'facts on the ground' of Jewish people living in the West Bank settlements, which would no longer, of course, be exclusively Jewish, with Arabs having full and equal rights to purchase any property throughout the nation.
Surely forgiveness can lead us to find a better solution than the bloody removal, by violent force, of those Jewish people from the West Bank.
KF: I replied to this response in segments:
The historical evidence seems very conclusive in showing that the Ashkenazi Zionists from Europe never intended to allow the possibility of adopting the original UN partition of Palestine. Resolution 181, adopted in 1947, which mandated the creation of two sovereign states, one for the European Jews, and one for the indigenous Arabs.
All the historical evidence since the adoption of Resolution 181 suggests that the European (Ashkenazi) Jews never for one second had any intention whatsoever to allow the creation of a sovereign Arab state in Palestine.
KF: I agree thus far...
When we talk about the UN representing "international law", we must surely recognize that that is very much still a 'work in progress', not a "done deal", as you claimed it to be.
KF: You clearly are reading too much into my statement, so please allow me to clarify what I mean by it, which can probably best be accomplished by explaining what I do NOT mean by it. In the first place, I make no claim that the UN, its resolutions and mandates, the decisions of its adjudicatory bodies, are necessarily or inherently just. In the second place, I am making no claim that international positive law, such as it actually exists, is truly efficacious. Nor am I asserting that the decision - making apparatus of the UN is fair or perfectly democratic (indeed, I hold the opposite view).
Prior to the establishment of the UN and its jurisprudential appendages, there wasn't much out there by way of international authority. In essence, it was the law of the jungle, the Hobbesian "bellum omnia contra omnes," its ensuing world wars, and so on. In some important respects, the UN is no different from the various conclaves that formed in the aftermath of previous major international wars (e.g., the Congress of Vienna, Versailles agreements, Diet of Worms [hey, there's one Karl Schwabb might like!] , etc.). What makes the UN unique amongst this ilk is its universal subscription by all nations, so that it can make claim to international authority on the basis of international consensus (however derived).
Very importantly, one of the first international laws on its books was the Nuremberg Code. Again, it is possible to debate bow fairly and uniformly they were applied at their inception, but they do provide a framework for future adjudication and criminalization of various war crimes and crimes against humanity, including the ultimate crime of genocide. In the very same sense I explicated these words above, they are a "done deal." The UN plays many roles, but as the ultimate arbiter of the Nuremberg Code its role and responsibilities are unassailable (though like Freud I recognize that civilization has its discontents). Moreover, and here is the part most relevant to the subject of our dialogue, a breach of these essential covenants remains a breach until it is repaired... There can be no statute of limitations on criminality of this magnitude. And among the crimes identified by the wise framers of this Code is the settling of one's own population on land under occupation by force of arms. They recognized that such settlement is the camel's nose under the tent, and soon its entire body, ethnic cleansing and genocide, will find its way in. In short, territorial acquisition by force of arms is forbidden and criminalized, and settlement activity is rightfully identified as an aerly phase of this heinous activity. It is no coincidence that Israeli settlers in Occupied Palestine tend to be armed to the teeth. They are not well-meaning civilians, but shock troops for a genocidal military project.
So we can either accept the UN dicta with all their warts, or we can nitpick and claim they are irrelevant because patently imperfect. But I am making the realistic argument that the good is not the enemy of the perfect, and the Nuremberg Code is much better than nothing, and deserves our support, particularly, as we shall see, with respect to Israeli actions in Occupied Palestine.
We can all hope that the UN will develop into a genuinely democratic body that can act as an arbiter of international law, to arbitrate the behavior of nations. But law cannot exist without law enforcement, and the UN yet has no way to restrain the behavior of the most powerful nations. Until it does, international law will remain an ideal toward which Humanity is striving.
KF: That is not completely true. While the veto powers of the WWII victors seems to give them the ability to prevent the enforcement of international law at whim, in fact there are mechanisms to circumvent such abuse of power. It is my understanding that the General Assembly has available to it at all times the possibility of invoking a "United for Peace" resolution which I beecan further entail enforcement actions. At the very least, it can impose sanctions, so if, as we can easily imagine, the US vetoed a GA resolution for Israel to abandon its settlements in the Occupied Territories, the GA could impose a ban on trade with the settlements, forbid (perhaps interdict) supplies for the settlers, and generally regard the settlements and their Israeli patrons as renegades and pariahs. I n my opinion, this should be done, in accordance with ICJ abd ICC adjudications.]
As I argued in my recent paper, the Jewish Cult of Semitism, the Cult of Jewish Supremacy, has always allowed Jewish people to exert a hugely outsized degree of power, many times greater (exponentially greater) than their tiny percentage of the population, in every society and nation they have lived among. Israel thus has always existed under the protection of powerful nations in which Jews exerted controlling power. Those nations, primarily the UK and the US, but other European nations as well, are the very nations that have never bowed to the authority of the UN to arbitrate or restrain their behavior.
KF: I concur.
The original UN partition of Palestine was an act of giving away other people's land, by powerful nations who claimed that they had the 'just' authority to do so, simply because they claimed imperial authority over that land as their own colonial property. They claimed ownership over other people's land, and they used their power over the brand new (at that time) UN structure to give other people's land to European (Ashkenazi) Jews, who are only very distantly related to the indigenous Jews of Palestine.
KF: Again, let's agree that this was all quite arbitrary and not necessarily just. The fact is that it both prohibited settlement activity and provided excellent support for Palestinians displaced in the process, which in the form of UNRWA Israel continues to oppose today, sometimes lethally.
The indigenous Jews of Palestine are MUCH more closely related (genetically) to the Palestinian Arabs than to the Ashkenazi (European) Jews. A prevailing opinion among historians is that after the entire Jewish religious hierarchy, the Sanhedrin, and a few thousand of their followers, were banished from Palestine by the Romans, in the first century AD, many of the leaderless Jews who remained behind, which was most of the Jewish population, converted, over time, to Christianity, and then, after the Prophet Mohammed came, converted to Islam. The present day Palestinian Arabs are thus, according to this opinion prevailing among historians, largely the descendants of the ancient Jews of Palestine.
The point here is that the UN, under the control of nations in which European Jews, especially Jewish banking powers, exerted controlling power, was giving away other people's land when it partitioned Palestine in 1947, only a matter of a few months after the UN Charter itself was ratified. The UN, under the control of the primary victors in WW2, gave other people's land to European Jews, under the guise of the outright Big Lie, ("a land without people for a people without a land"), that Plaestine was a mostly unpopulated territory.
The point I'm making here, which I made in a much more general way in my previous response to your assertion, Ken, that actualizing even a 'one state solution' will require rectifying past injustice by removing the illegal Jewish settlers from the West Bank territory, is that if we're going to try to unboil an egg, if we think we have the power to rectify historical injustices, why stop with the illegal West Bank Settlements, a policy that dates from the early to mid 1970s, (see Sharon's Pastrami Sandwich)? Why not go all the way back to the original injustice that gave other people's land to European (Ashkenazi) Jews in 1947?
KF: Because you can't have your cake and eat it too. The same authority that prohibits settlements issued this mandate in the first place. You have to take the bitter with the sweet, else you end up undermining any ability for a just settlement at the present time.
If we think we have the power to remove the heavily armed Jewish people now deeply dug into the soil of the West Bank, (as evil, cunning Sharon knew they would be), many of whom were born on that land, why stop there? Why not rectify the 'original sin' of the 1947 UN Resolution 181, that partitioned Palestine, thereby giving away other people' land? If we're going to pretend that we have the capacity and power to rectify History's injustices, why not remove all the European Jews from Palestine, and give all the land, rather than just the West Bank land, back to its rightful owners?
KF: Again, because that's not what the UN mandates authorize. They do, however, criminalize the encroachment if the settlements.
Surely we all recognize that that would be impossible, for many reasons I'll not cite here. Yet you maintain that it IS possible to remove the Jewish settlers from the West Bank.
KF: Well, Zwarich, some people made the same argument when there were Israeli settlements in Gaza.... Turned out to be totally possible!
In claiming their biblical deed to all of Palestine, from the river to the sea, their claimed deed to Eretz Israel, the Ashkenazi (European) Jews, who are more closely related, genetically, to Caucasian Europeans than to the indigenous Jews of Palestine, are seeking to rectify the 'sins' that the Romans wrought on them some 2000 years ago.
Where is the cut-off point? If we think we can rectify all the tragic 'sins' wrought by we humans on one another, how far back are we going to foolishly claim to have the power to go?
To people born on land in the West Bank, their roots are down DEEP in that soil. They will fight, they will die, before they will give up their land. And they are ALL heavily armed.
We can't give North America back to its indigenous people. Where would the 300+ million 'immigrants' now living in America go? Do we think they would agree to leave?
You can't unboil an egg to make an omelet instead
KF: Had the UN and the Nuremberg Code existed in these earlier instances, your argument might hold. Since they didn't, it falls flat.
I'm not arguing against your terms of 'justice', Ken. I'm only pointing out that all of our Human History is a long tragic story of injustice wrought by tribes of humans on other tribes of humans, and that we just don't have the power, we don't have the capacity, to rectify all those injustices.
We can't give North America back to its rightful owners, back to the stone-age people who possessed it when Europeans came. We can't restore African Americans to their homelands. We simply cannot unboil an egg to make an omelet instead.
KF: See above response...
In America today we have a large and powerful faction of people, known by many as the "crazed Woke Cult", who want to punish the living for the sins of the dead. Look where that's gotten us, as we now wonder whether it's more likely that our next election will take place, or whether the faction in power will cancel the election and declare Martial Law, whereupon, in our heavily armed nation, a bloody civil war may ensue.
The people born in the West Bank, the people known as 'the settlers', the people now living there, the people now raising their own children there, are, for the most part, not the people who stole that land. Their parents and grandparents were. Just EXACTLY as the evil, cunning butcher of Sabra and Shatilla, the obscenely corpulent, farting monster Sharon, sitting down to his pastrami sandwich, knew that they would, those people born on that land, their roots grown DEEPLY into that soil, will use the M-16s they ALL own to fight for that land.
Who will remove them, Ken? Are you proposing that the UN should send troops to die fighting them, to kill them, to get them off that land?
KF: No, I am proposing that the UN order Israel to remove them, and if there is no compliance, that it be ejected from the UN and treated as the rogue state that it is.
When all that blood has soaked into the West Bank soil, will you then feel satisfied that justice was done?
KF: There is more than enough blood being spilt in Gaza today to last for eons.... We don't need more.
Have you ever seen the movie 'Invictus', Ken? It is the story of Nelson Mandela's attempts to unify South Africa after the apartheid regime was eradicated. A Nation cannot be created among people who hate each other for past sins. For that nation to be created, people had to find a way to forgive each other for their past sins.
All Human Morality is rooted in very simple concepts. We must treat others as we wish to be treated by them. If others treat us badly, we must STILL treat them, in return, as we wish to be treated. I know you are a Christian, Ken. Was that not Christ's most basic message? Love thine enemy? Turn the other cheek?
"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us". We are ALL human sinners. Are we not? Let she, or he, who claims not to be, cast the first stone. If we expect to be forgiven for our own sins, we must learn the excruciatingly difficult task of forgiving others for theirs.
Rectifying all of Human History's tragic sins is not possible. We must instead beg forgiveness for our own sins, as we forgive others for theirs.
That is the ONLY way that Humanity can forestall our own self-annihilation, which, as we can all surely see, is VERY close upon us.
Forgiveness is the CRUCIAL key to creating the world you imagine, Ken, a world in which justice reigns over all Humanity... A world in which nations adhere to international law. No nation on Earth is without sin. Every nation must acknowledge its own trespasses, and extend forgiveness to every other that has trespassed against it.
The first order of 'business' of course, before the forgiveness can even begin, is for all nations to stop trespassing on other nations.
Humanity has arrived at the crucial cusp of History, the point at which our very survival, as a species of creatures living on this planet, is immediately upon us, in the near term, not in some distant future, as it was when the Great Prophets, like Jesus and Mohammed and Confucius, and Gautama, last walked among us.
We have arrived at the point at which we cannot fix ANYTHING until we find a way to fix EVERYTHING. We cannot sit down as 'United' Nations while the US, under the power of the Cult of Jewish Supremacy, continues in its unholy crazed desire to rule over all the other nations that comprise Humanity.
We cannot create either a 'two state solution', or a 'one state solution' in Palestine until other momentous events first take place.
"When those who make the law break the law, then there is no law". -- Billy Jack.
International Law simply does not yet exist, other than as a hoped-for concept. International law cannot exist as long as the Cult of 'Semitism', the Cult of Jewish Supremacy, which controls the US Empire, continues to insanely demand that the US Empire must rule over all Humanity.
The US Empire holds international law in complete contempt. The US Empire demands that all other nations must follow the Empire's "rules based order", a set of rules that the Empire itself, including Israel, of course, is not required to follow.
The US is itself a nation now lost and reeling in mass insanity. We can all see that the US Empire is teetering on the edge of falling into utter ruin. The primary factor that has created our nation's prevailing insanity, this mass insanity which threatens us all with the outbreak of massive degrees of deadly violence, has been our efforts to come to terms, as a nation, with our own sins, as the crazed Woke Cult demands that the living be punished for the sins of the dead.
As 'the living', we must acknowledge our nation's sins, but we must not punish ourselves for the sins of 'the dead'. We must forgive ourselves for our nation's sins, but first, before we dare to expect to be forgiven, we must learn to forgive others for theirs.
To be forgiven, we must forgive. Does your professed Christian religion not teach you that, Ken?
No power currently exists on Earth that can remove the Jewish settlers from the West Bank without massive bloodshed.
KF: We differ completely on this point.... See above.
I am relatively certain, (although I sure could be wrong), that with the promise of achieving equal rights in all the land "from the River to the Sea", and with the promise that the 'right of return' would be fulfilled, and being incentified by promises of financing for economic development, (such as building Gaza into a prosperous seaside international destination-resort and commercial center), the Palestinian Arabs would be willing to accept the 'facts on the ground' of Jewish people living in the West Bank settlements, which would no longer, of course, be exclusively Jewish, with Arabs having full and equal rights to purchase any property throughout the nation.
Surely forgiveness can lead us to find a better solution than the bloody removal, by violent force, of those Jewish people from the West Bank.
KF: You cannot extrapolate from what my religious beliefs might require of me to what other people should be expected to do who may not share my convictions. And you are also conflating your desire for the injured party here to forgive the guilty one who still possesses the stolen goods, with the international communities need for criminal justice in the case if Israel's flouting UN tesolutions and the Nuremberg Code. If we go down that road, it's an open advertisement to the world that international law is meaningless and will never be applied, so feel free to ignore it.
"No peace on stolen land."
RZ: At this point in our dialogue, as we discuss whether both a two-state solution or a one-state solution to the deadly morass in Palestine would require removing the West Bank Settlers, I think we need to shift its perspective to include the backdrop of world events in which our discussion is taking place.
The entire world is now forming up into two competing camps.
The Jewish-dominated and controlled US Empire comprises one camp. This camp rejects the concept of International Law, promoting in its stead what it calls the "rules-based-order", with the Jewish-dominated US Empire promulgating the rules which it imposes on all other nations, on pain of deadly violence.
The Empire will attack and start killing large numbers of people (or threaten to), in any nation that will not follow its self-serving rules. But the Empire itself has no obligation whatsoever to follow the rules it imposes on others. It does, in fact, violate the rules frequently, and openly, even at the same time it threatens other nations with deadly violence for merely doing the same thing(s) that the US Empire is doing.
The nations in fealty to the Empire, primarily the UK, the EU, the Anglo South-Pacific nations, Japan, and Korea, comprising about 15% of the world's total population, are generally expected to follow the rules, but are generously granted permission to violate them whenever it serves the Jewish-dominated US Empire's interests and purposes.
Russia and China are leading the other camp. This "rebel camp" seems to have the sympathies of about 85% of the world population. This "rebel camp" is in open rebellion against the authority of the US Empire. It is forming up into a burgeoning alliance with other nations, widely known as the BRICS Alliance, which is working steadily to undermine the levers of international economic power now controlled by the Jewish-dominated US Empire. This Rebel Alliance is openly and actively working to topple the status and power of the US Dollar as the world's 'reserve currency', which is the root of deficit-financed US military power. The Rebel Alliance is also creating banking infrastructure, and several banking, trade, and investment vehicles (the SCO, the AIIB, etc) to provide competing alternatives to the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the other Dollar-based US Empire-dominated international economic entities.
This "Rebel Alliance" openly rejects the Jewish-dominated US Empire's "rules-based order" as arbitrary and grossly unfair, as it clearly is, and instead is vociferously promoting the concept of International Law, which, this Rebel Alliance holds, must apply to ALL nations equally. ALL nations, from the most powerful to the weakest, must comply with International Law. That is the intrinsic nature of 'The Law', as opposed to arbitrary 'rules' imposed by an Empire that grants itself license to flout them, and grants others license to flout them as it sees fit.
The Rebel Alliance is vociferously promoting the concept of developing the mission and powers of the United Nations as an genuinely democratic arbiter of International Law. This Rebel Alliance is vociferously advocating that all the world's nations must cooperate, under the auspices of a mission-fortified Uniting Body, (a body with real powers, which the UN, as currently constituted, lacks), to negotiate a world economy that "lifts all boats", that serves the interests and aspirations of ALL people in ALL nations.
This Rebel Alliance is openly and vociferously advocating that in.the course of these democratic negotiations, whose goal will be to create a 'just' world economy, a fair world economy that promotes the general welfare of ALL the world's people, every nation must, of course, represent the interests and aspirations of its OWN people, but EACH nation, no matter how large and powerful, or small and weak, must also respect and honor the interests of ALL other people in ALL other nations.
Thus, this Rebel Alliance is advocating for world cooperation, under the auspices of a United Democratic Entity, (such as a mission-fortified UN), in which ALL nations treat ALL other nations, as they would wish other nations to treat them.
Living as I do in the belly of this terrible evil beast, in the belly of this horrible Jewish-dominated US Empire, in which all of us live under a giant bubble of constantly blaring lying propaganda, imposed on us by our Jewish-dominated Mass Media, I have tried to make people aware that the rise of this Rebel Alliance represents the rise of a hopeful New Spirit over Humanity. With the constant Big Lies of the US Empire so constantly drowning out reality itself, to hammer a false version of 'reality' into our nation's people's minds, hardly ANY Americans are even aware of the rise of this hopeful New Spirit.
Quite the opposite, we Americans, and people throughout the Jewish-dominated US Empire, are being taught that we must HATE the nations that are leading this Rebel Alliance, which is advocating so vociferously for the New Spirit's rise, for the rise of Justice to dominate the world, and therefore for Peace to reign.
People in nation's representing over 85% of the world's population seem to be responding favorably to the New Spirit being promulgated by the Rebel Alliance, as evidenced by the fact that nations representing over 85% of the world's population have refused to cooperate with the US Empire's 'sanctions' against Russia, and against Iran, and against other nations that dare to defy the authority of the Jewish-dominated US Empire.
So... As I would hope is obvious, we must remember that our discussion of the requirements of the actualization of a two-state solution, or a one-state solution in the land of Palestine is taking place against this wider backdrop that is shaped by the belief of Jewish-dominated nations, which mostly comprise the US Empire, that THEY must rule over the entire Earth, imposing their capricious and fickle "rules-based order", consisting of rules that they are not required to follow, on all Humanity.
It thus seems clear to me that justice, and therefore peace, cannot, and will not, reign over the Land of Palestine as long as the power of the Jewish-dominated US Empire continues to run amok over the Earth, trampling human bodies and spreading the blood of the innocent in its wake.
Professor Jeffrey Sachs, a man I greatly respect and admire, is advocating for a two-state solution. I've never heard him describe the details of his advocacy, however. Is he talking about two genuinely 'sovereign' states?. And is he talking about removing all Jews from all territory beyond the 1967 Green Line? Perhaps he has said. Perhaps I simply have not heard him say.
But HOW will those heavily armed people be removed from that land into which those fanatical Jewish zealots have deeply sunk their own roots, land on which they were born, and on which their children were born? How will they be uprooted, and by whom?
You say, Ken, that Israel itself will have to uproot them. So you're envisioning a bloody civil war between the IDF and the West Bank Settlers? Your citation of the removal of Jewish settlers from Gaza is not relevant, because the situations were much different. When the IDF pulled out of Gaza, the settlers had to follow. They had no chance to stay alive in that densely populated territory without the immediate protection of the IDF. But in the West Bank the situation is much different. The heavily armed settlers there are fully prepared to fight for that land, even if it is the IDF they must fight.
If we assume that the removal of the West Bank Settlers would also be required to actualize a one-state solution, as you do, Ken, then there is no reason to even consider or talk about that option. The crazed, certifiably INSANE Israeli Jews would never agree to that. The two-state solution then becomes the only option.
The only reason to consider a one state solution is because it could be achieved, through various negotiated exchanges, both of territory and of other considerations, such as promised investment to spur economic development, granting the 'right of return', etc, without uprooting and removing the fanatical West Bank Settlers to behind the Green Line.
But the crazed certifiably INSANE Israeli Jews will not likely ever agree to a two-state solution either.., so what, exactly, are we, or Professor Sachs, even talking about?
This is, of course, where the above-related general world situation becomes specifically relevant to our discussion. All signs seem to point to the possibly imminent collapse of the Jewish-dominated US Empire. We can't foresee the future, of course. This collapse could take place slowly, over the coming years, or decades. But it could also happen suddenly, at any time, as suddenly as the mighty Soviet Empire just ceased to exist, just collapsing into sudden and unexpected ruin.
Our Jewish-dominated US Ruling Tyrants have, after all, completely squandered ANY claim at ALL to the moral high ground, as they perpetrate the wanton mass murder of tens of thousands of defenseless people, right before the very eyes of all Humanity. As most of the population of Earth has come to regard these morally depraved monsters, these Jewish-dominated US Ruling Tyrants as a force of raw evil fully equatable to the powers that rose over Germany in the 1930s and 40s, these evil, morally demented people may be motivated to do the same as the Soviet Tyrants did, they may just abdicate their power, as the world's hatred of them swells to ever more dangerous (to them) proportions.
I'm NOT saying that I think that will happen. I'm only recognizing the possibility that it may happen. It happened in, and/or to, the once mighty Soviet Empire, after all.
But even disregarding the possibility of abdication, the US Empire is under existential duress from many quarters, which seems to assure its inevitable demise, sooner or later, (and likely sooner it appears to me).
Without the support of the Jewish-dominated US Empire, 7 million crazed and arrogant Jews in Israel, completely surrounded by hundreds of million of enraged Arabs who justly hate these murderous people, and well over a BILLION Muslims who hate them as well, cannot survive. They can't afford, on their own, to finance the IDF, and even if they could, the IDF alone could not possibly protect those 7 million Jews from the just rage of the hundreds of millions of Arabs surrounding them.
Thus, in the sober light of the totality of world events, with Israel's trained pit-bull attack dog, the Jewish-dominated US Empire, teetering on the brink of possibly sudden collapse, it seems much more likely that Israel will cease to exist at ALL, and that those 7 million Jews in Palestine will flee for their lives, back into the relative safety of the Jewish Diaspora, than that either a two-state solution or a one-state solution will be actualized.
But even the Jewish Diaspora may become more hostile to them, as, freed from the domination of the Jewish-dominated US Ruling Tyrants, their Empire having fallen into ruin, the American Common People, and the Common People throughout the fallen Empire, may seize the opportunity to create True Democracies to govern our lives and affairs, to secure our own "safety and happiness" as we see fit, freed from the domination of any and ALL Elite Tyrants, Jewish or otherwise. God's favorite people, (Deuteronomy 7:6), in all their 16 million of them now alive, will then have to take their places as mere 'equals' (GASP!!) of we 8500 million non-Jewish people.
Poor things... How they suffer... To be forced to accept mere equality, when Jewish Supremacy has been their cherished credo for all these millennia.
To return to the defined confines of our dialogue, however, when I asked you, Ken, who would remove the West Bank Settlers, you answered that the UN would command that Israel itself must remove them. So you envision that Israel would comply? That Israel would engage in a civil war pitting the IDF against the heavily armed Jewish settlers? And if Israel refused to comply with the UN's command, the enforcement remedy you envision would be to expel Israel from the UN.
Which do you think is more likely? That Israel would launch a civil war among its own people? Or that it would accept being expelled from a UN that it holds in complete contempt anyway? These people already revel in their status as a hated pariah nation, and they spit on that hatred in their arrogant disdain. Why should God's Chosen People care at all about what all we dirty bestial 'goyim' think about them?
None of us can see into the future, of course. No Stone of Palantir (from the Tolkien mythology) exists in real life. We'll just have to see what the future brings as it arrives. But reading the tea leaves of the great sweep of world events, I'd sure put my money on the Rebel Alliance, rather than on the teetering Jewish-dominated US Empire, as it has now completely surrendered any claim at all to the moral high ground, and is clearly crumbling before our very eyes.
The proverbial rats are already abandoning the sinking ship. Israel's entire economy is circling the toilet drain. The gloom of inevitable defeat is widely reported to be oozing over the Israeli landscape like cold molasses. It was reported in early December that 500k Israelis had already fled Israel. That's about 7% of the entire population, analogous to about 24 million people leaving America in a time of war. How many more have left in the almost 5 months since?
Back to the parameters of our discussion, if it's true, as you aver, that even a one-state solution would require removing the West Bank Settlers, then there's simply no reason to even talk about, or think about that option. It does not appear to me that the crazed, certifiably INSANE Jewish people in Israel are even capable of envisioning a sovereign state for the Palestinian Arabs. I don't think a two state solution is a viable option either.
If Israel were at ALL amenable to a sovereign state for the Palestinian Arabs, they would not now be fully revealing the horrific extent of their clinical insanity by committing the wanton atrocity against Humanity, this bloody mass murder of tens of thousands of defenseless people, including of tens of thousands of mothers and children and babies, before the very eyes of all Humanity, as their ugly morally depraved mouths curse those poor people as sub-human creatures.
Israel has already destroyed itself, as the Jewish people already know full well, even though they won't yet admit it. Humanity will simply not allow this morally depraved murderous "Nation State of the Jewish People" to continue to exist in its current form,
KF: It is well that there's not a dime's worth of difference between your view of the current overall world geopolitical situation and my own, which you have helpfully articulated here for the purposes of "backdrop" and to which both of us can now make reference going forward, without any need for debate or for the reinvention the wheel at every turn. So thanks for this contribution. I would add to it only this point, which I think is relevant, perhaps implicit in your summary, but which I feel needs more explicit articulation: Within the nations that comprise the Pax (pox) Americana or "Empire" popular support for this rules-based order should not be assumed. Indeed, the aspirations of those you call the Rebel nations were shared by and normative within the Empire nations until the present generation of political leadership. We are about to find out,I think, just how far these traditional attitudes have eroded or, obversely, how resilient they may actually prove to have been amongst their peoples. The restiveness of our student population in the wake of Empire-supported Zionist genocide would seem to indicate that, beneath the surface, opinion on such questions hasn't really shifted very much since the 1960’s. So unlike the political creed of the Rebel nations, the Imperial ideology teeters on a very unstable foundation. Poll after poll on this issue supports this assessment.
Now, you raise the prospect of the economic implosion of the Empire,and what this could mean for the solution of the Palestinian question. I too foresee such a possibility as imminent. You go on to suggest that this would mean the end of US military support for Israel and this,in turn would make the Zionist Project indefensible, leading to a new diaspora and the abandonment of the settlements as their current tenants move back to Brooklyn, neatly resolving the settlement issue. I'll agree this is an elegant solution, and perhaps even the most feasible one, but as an American it is not one I relish
Just ask the Russians how much fun they had in the 90’s after the Soviet Union collapsed.....ugh!
As we cannot with any certainty predict the timing of this imminent collapse, a collapse serious enough to curtail Imperial military support for the Zionist Entity, we are still forced to consider more immediate resolutions...
I disagree with your characterization of the abandonment of Gaza's settlements as being voluntary because of IDF evacuation. A number of settlers resisted the evacuation order, and were forced by the IDF to leave at gunpoint. I don't consider that civil war, just a kind of reverse "ethnic cleansing." And I maintain that these Gaza settlers felt no less rooted in that part of Palestine than the West Bank settlers do in theirs. Sure, there are numerically MORE of the latter, but there is no qualitative difference. Both are equally violating UN resolutions which, if Israel doesn't compel them to obey,should result in its expulsion from the UN.
Now you seem to suppose that Israelis would not be much troubled by such a prospect, seeing with what contempt they hold the UN. I'll let you in on a little secret, Zwarich: the leaders of Israel hold EVERYONE in contempt. Notwithstanding, they want commercial relations with everyone, because they are a quintessentially pecuniary people,and they think the whole world is their oyster. But through a robust sanctions regime,they could be commercially marooned and, think about it: wouldn't that equally result in a new diaspora that so neatly solves the settlement problem?
So the UN should tell Israel, "Comply with extant UN resolutions or we will diplomatically and commercially isolate you." "End your Occupation of territory that is not yours, or consider yourself excommunicated from the family of nations." The United States cannot veto UN resolutions which it has already helped to pass....
I'm just thinking out loud,here,but I think a number of nonviolent solutions exist to effect the dismantling of the illegal settlements, so any claim by you that ending the settlements necessarily implies the use of armed force, I reject out of hand.
RZ: You may be right, Ken. Perhaps I am mistaken in my assumption that the evil butcher of Sabra and Shatilla, Ariel Sharon, was right, back in 1973, when he reportedly told Winston Churchill's grandson, (a journalist), over lunch, as he slathered mustard on his pastrami sandwich:
"We'll make a pastrami sandwich of them. We'll insert a strip of Jewish settlements in between the Palestinians, and then another strip of Jewish settlements right across the West Bank, so that in 25 years' time, neither the United Nations nor the United States, nobody, will be able to tear it apart."
Humans are territorial creatures. When people put their roots down into the soil, they generally are willing to fight, and to die, if necessary, for the land their lives are rooted in. But maybe the fanatical Jewish Supremacist zealots in the West Bank are different. I have no way of knowing.
This was Israel's plan, all along, of course, (since at least 1973, and presumably Ariel Sharon did not make it up as he spoke, it was likely planned long before), for 'conquering' the West Bank. The first West Bank settlements were founded in the late 70s, under the ex-Irgun terrorist leader, Menachem Begin, who rose to be elected prime minister. The Sabra and Shatila massacre took place under the regime of this same notorious Irgun terrorist Menachem Begin, with the obscenely corpulent Sharon carrying out the massacre as Begin's Minister of Defense.
As I already stated in an earlier essay as part of this dialogue, all the historical evidence suggests that the European (Ashkenazi) Jews that came to Palestine never had any other intentions than to acquire and rule over ALL the territory that they consider Eretz Israel. They never had any intention of allowing the creation of a sovereign Palestinian State.
They never had any intention of complying with the UN's 1947 Resolution 181, which partitioned Palestine, giving other people's land to the European Jews, and mandating the creation of a sovereign state for the Palestinian Arabs. The Israeli Jews NEVER have intended to allow a sovereign state to be created for the Palestinian Arabs.
They have, of course, constantly lied and claimed to have 'offered' the Palestinian Arabs their own 'state', but what they offered was NEVER, not ONCE, an actual sovereign 'state'. What they offered was a limited degree of autonomy, under the ongoing power and control of Israel, with the Israeli military, (in ALL proposals the Israelis 'offered'), having the full right to enter that territory at will, with the Palestinian Arabs having NO right to self defense of their territory's borders, nor any right to enter treaties or alliances with other nations.
In other words, the pathological lying Israeli Jews NEVER, not ONCE, 'offered' to allow the creation of a 'sovereign' Palestinian State. Never ONCE!
The Palestinian Arabs, of course, rejected UN Resolution 181, because they rejected having part of their nation, half of their territory, being given to foreigners, to Jews from Europe, simply because the primary (though fading) Imperial Power of that day, Britain, claimed the Palestinians' land and nation as its colony, and powerful Jewish political forces in Britain had decided to create the nation of Israel on other people's land. Britain, which was then in the process of dissolving its empire, turned the issue over to the UN, which was then wholly dependent on financing from Western Nations, primarily from the US and Britain, for its very existence. Resolution 181 passed a UN that was primarily financed and controlled by the US and Britain.
Palestine was not the British Empire's, nor the UN's land to give away. It belonged to the indigenous people of Palestine, including indigenous Jews, and their close genetic cousins, the indigenous Semitic Arabs, who had lived on that land, side by side, mostly in peace, Jewish village next to Arab village, for millennia.
The story is told that during the heinous terrorist massacre of Palestinian Arabs at Deir Yassin in April of '48, by Jewish terrorists from Europe, (by the Irgun Terrorist Gang), the indigenous Palestinian Jews who lived in the close-by next village over, rushed to the scene and cried out, "What are you DOING? These people are our FRIENDS!"
But the ruthless terrorist Jews from Europe, led by people like the bloodthirsty terrorist Menachem Begin, who would go on to become Prime Minister of Israel, and was actually awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in '78, (for signing the Camp David accords), considered all Arabs to be their enemies.
As the leader of the notorious Irgun Terrorist Gang, 'Peace Prize' winner Begin was behind the deadly terrorist bombing of the King David Hotel, where the colonial headquarters of Imperial British forces were located, killing 91 people. Under Begin's bloody leadership, the Irgun Terrorist Gang was also the perpetrator of the most heinous forms of terrorism imaginable, including at Deir Yassin, going door to door lobbing hand grenades into the midst of Arab families, huddled in utter terror in their own homes.
It was these murderous terrorist tactics that caused almost a million Palestinian Arabs to flee their homes and land in utter terror, whereupon the Terrorist Jews from Europe seized those people's homes and land and called it "Israel".
Israel was born in, and from bloody terrorism perpetrated by people foreign to Palestine, by European Jews who had no claim to the land of Palestine, and are only very distantly related to the indigenous Jewish people of Palestine, who are much more closely related, genetically, to the Semitic Palestinian Arabs, than to the Ashkenazi European Jews, who are themselves much more closely related to the Caucasian Europeans than to the indigenous Jews of Palestine.
A large percentage of the people now being slaughtered by these crazed bloodthirsty Jewish Israeli murderers, with the full support of the Jewish American Elite Tyrants who have captured our own nation fully under their control, are the descendants of those people who fled their homes and land for fear of being murdered by the terrorist gangs, Irgun among them, of foreign Jews from Europe.
Maybe those people in the West Bank settlements, who are renowned for the degree of their fanatical zealotry, reportedly far exceeding that of an entire nation of crazed fanatical zealots, are not as resolved as I fear they are. Maybe they would placidly obey an order to vacate their homes and land without violence. I have no way of knowing, of course.
As far as the scope of our discussion takes us, concerning a one-state solution or a two-state solution, as far as I understand these matters, following from your determination, Ken, that even a one state solution will require the removal of the Jewish settlers from the West Bank, then there is no reason to even think about or talk about that one-state option. The primary reason for support for a one-state solution has been that so many people have come to believe that the alternative option, a two-state solution, has become impossible, simply because there is now no territory left that could comprise a Palestinian State, with the now deeply dug-in Jewish settlers already having illegally stolen most of the West Bank.
The presumption that makes the two-state solution 'impossible', in the minds of people who consider it so, is that these fanatically zealous Israeli settlers cannot be removed from the West Bank without initiating a bloody civil war between the settlers and the IDF. With the theft of the West Bank thus a "done deal", where could a Palestinian State be located? Thus, following from that line of thinking, a one-state solution seems to be the only viable option.
If that presumption is erroneous, if your presumption is correct, Ken, if the fanatical Jewish settlers will simply placidly obey an order to evacuate the West Bank, without unmanageable violence, then a two-state solution becomes theoretically 'possible', and thus a one-state solution needn't be considered. The two-state solution, complying with the original UN mandate, Resolution 181, thus becomes the 'least impossible' option.
If your presumption is correct, Ken, if the Jewish West Bank settlers will obey an evacuation order, within manageable parameters of violence, the 'only' obstacle then preventing a two-state solution would be the certifiably insane belief of the Israeli Jews in their Jewish Supremacy, and their crazed determination to complete their brazen theft of ALL of Palestine, and then some, (Eretz Israel actually includes most of Syria, and much of Jordan and even Iraq), from the people who had inhabited that territory for millennia, indigenous Jews and Arabs both, before the murderous bloodthirsty foreign gangs of terrorist Jews came from Europe to steal it.
Two State... One State... Any State... No State... (to the cadence of a children's jump-rope ditty)... Jewish State... Arab State... Bloody State... No State...
What are we even talking about?... Do ANY of us, among anyone who may be reading this, really actually believe that the fanatical Israeli Jewish Supremacists, and their Jewish American forces who have captured the US under their effective control, will EVER agree to accept the existence of a sovereign Palestinian State?
Really??... Well... Uhhh... maybe they're right... I'm just a retired old carpenter... I now keep chickens, and sell eggs from my roadside stand... I now literally shovel chicken shit, (and believe me, my 400 hens produce a LOT of chicken shit), to keep the lights on... What do I know?...
But all these events have taken place during my own lifetime. I was born in '48, same year as was Israel. I've been observing all this tragic history unfold since I was old enough to begin to understand the world I was born into.
I think it's most likely that Israel has already destroyed itself. Once the current 'fracas' between the Jewish-dominated US Empire, representing about 15% of the world's living people, and the Rebel Nations, led by Russia and China, which seems to enjoy the support of about 85% of the world's population, is sorted out, I don't think that the world's Family of Nations is going to allow these OBVIOUSLY morally depraved Israeli Jews, this self-declared "Nation State of the Jewish People", to continue being a 'nation state' under the control of these certifiably insane Jewish Supremacists.
Look back to Masada, Ken... Is that not the 'spirit', the fanatical belief in their 'chosen-ness', (as Gilad Atzmon calls it), the do-or-die belief of the fanatical Jewish zealots who have stolen the West Bank land? Does ancient Masada not reflect these people's 'religious' zealotry, their belief that they are God's favorite people, their crazed fanatical belief in their Jewish Supremacy, (as even atheists among them somehow still believe that they are the "chosen people"), that all the rest of Humanity is facing?
As the walls begin to fall around them, will they kill us all, like Samson brought the walls down on his own head, to die among his enemies as they died? When they realize that their defeat is inevitable, (as it already is, of course, they just haven't admitted it yet), will these 16 millions Jews now alive on the Earth abandon their crazed belief in their Jewish Supremacy, and deign to accept their status as mere 'equals' to all we 8500 million "goyim"?
Will this crazed Ancient Tribe, EVER accept their inevitable defeat?
Or will they employ the Samson Option, before they would accept being defeated? Will these murderous bloodthirsty Jewish terrorists in Israel, and their Jewish American supporters who have capotured our nation into their evil clawed clutches, set off their suicide vest, taking us ALL with them, before they will accept defeat?
Isn't THAT question much more relevant to our deadly dangerous predicament than whether a one-state or a two-state solution is less impossible.
KF: Thanks for that wonderful rehearsal of Israel's short but sordid history.
I understand that the most common argument for a One State solution is that the. settlements make a Two State Solution impossible. However, ,other arguments have been advanced for it, such as that it's too challenging to make Gaza and the West Bank practically contiguous, that even together they are too small to form a viable state, that natural resource issues, especially water, cannot be easily negotiated,etc ,etc
My argument that the settlements must be abandoned by the Israelis is not, however ,premised on the fact that they obviate the Two State solution, which they undeniably do. It is premised instead on the fact that their very acquisition and continual possession constitute a serious breach of International Law (I can cite it for you if you need it). Even if a One State solution were negotiated, the fact would remain that the acquisition of these settlements was in fact a war crime, and should be adjudicated as such if they are not abandoned There is no statute of limitations on war crimes that I am aware of...
Regardless of anyone's opinion about it, the Two State Solution must be regarded as the default resolution of the conflict, because nothing else can be inferred from the relevant UN resolutions. Arafat and Fatah were willing to concede to it in exchange for Palestinian sovereignty. They called Israel's bluff, and the rest is history. Hamas, at least in its founding charter, rejects the compromise ,and holds out for all of Mandate Palestine. Let's just say that Israel is even less likely to cooperate with that plan.
Israel's intransigence can continue so long as its US Lobby continues to control the US veto against enforcement of the relevant UN, and it does appear that the US political establishment is eternally corruptible. I therefore share your hope that barring any serious reform of the UN decision-making process (long overdue) a new international league of nations led by Russia and China may emerge to protect what you and I would agree is genuine international law in a way that no associated nation could evade it. If that constellation of nations constitutes also the lion's share of world commerce and resources, then Israel and it's toadies will be the big losers. It's pretty clear that there's not a lot of love lost between these nations and the Zionist Entity at present...
Then there is the prospect you hint at of Israel's implosion as a nation. While we cannot bank on it, I certainly would never rule it out. How long can a nation so patently morally bankrupt sustain even its own institutions?
But back to the matter at hand: The question of Two States or One State as an ultimate solution is primarily up to the Palestinians, whose voices have been silenced for so long,and secondarily up to Israel, to the extent Israel shows itself compliant with and respectful of international law and the bodies responsible for its exercise (yes,they have a lot of work to do there...). But the application of International Law is up to the whole world.
Israel's settlements in occupied territory is a standing rebuke to international law,not only to the Palestinians from whom it was forcibly expropriated. Israel must therefore disgorge its stolen goods,as well as cooperate with the ICJ in the arraignment and extradition of Israeli individuals charged with war crimes (and I anticipate a huge docket). Otherwise,Israel brands itself as a scofflaw nation,and should be treated accordingly by the family of civilized nations,and by the IN,to the extent it takes seriously its responsibility to enforce international law .
RZ: I want to thank you, Ken, for the energy you have put into this dialogue. I hope that readers have found something to value in it. The essay that follows is a summation of my position, and is therefore somewhat repetitive in summing up my other essays. I will likely post an edited version of it to my select email list. I'll leave it to your judgment as to whether you think this material is too repetitive to be of interest to your group.
I think at this point we've covered this topic reasonably thoroughly, so this will be my last contribution. If you want to reply, I will gladly give you the 'last word'. Thank you again for your contributions here.
If you ever want to take up a dialogue addressing any other subjects, you need only let me know.
In the closing words of your last comments, Ken, you write:
"Israel's settlements in occupied territory is a standing rebuke to international law,not only to the Palestinians from whom it was forcibly expropriated. Israel must therefore disgorge its stolen goods,as well as cooperate with the ICJ in the arraignment and extradition of Israeli individuals charged with war crimes (and I anticipate a huge docket). Otherwise,Israel brands itself as a scofflaw nation,and should be treated accordingly by the family of civilized nations,and by the IN,to the extent it takes seriously its responsibility to enforce international law".
It is interesting to me that after so many words exchanged, we both arrive at the same destination. Though taking different routes, we both arrive at Israel being "a scofflaw nation", (I might have said 'outlaw'), being "treated accordingly by the civilized family of nations".
As I have said, it is hard for me to imagine Israel relenting from its crazed determination to complete the theft of all of Palestine from its indigenous people. The massive crime it is now perpetrating makes the thought of it ever agreeing to the formation of a Palestinian State seem like a remote fantasy.
As I wrote in an earlier essay, however, I do believe that the Christian tradition of penitence, confession, forgiveness, and redemption must be applied by and to all Humanity, in order for us to survive as a species, including to the Israeli Jews, and to the Jewish American Tyrants that have captured our own nation, the US, under their power. But can they ever confess to these massive crimes against all Humanity? In their pathological arrogance, could they ever ask for forgiveness? Again, hoping for such seems like a foolish fantasy. I think this ugly morally depraved nation is already doomed. It has already destroyed itself. How the remaining days, months, or years of its history will play out remains to be seen.
There is no nation on Earth that does not have its own 'sins' to contemplate, and then confess. There is thus no nation that is qualified to be casting a 'first stone'. What Israel is doing to the Palestinian Arabs, as monstrously horrific as it is, is no worse than our own nation did to the indigenous people of North America. Is it? The US never slaughtered so many of them all at once, but we did slaughter them mercilessly. We even waged biological warfare against them, providing them with blankets that had been deliberately inoculated with smallpox. We deliberately eradicated their food supply, wantonly slaughtering the buffalo by the millions, then just leaving their bodies to rot in the sun.
If we want to talk about slaughtering defenseless civilian people, the firebombing raids the US wrought upon Japanese and German civilians far surpassed even the horrors of the Mass Murder that Israel is doing.
But this only provides us evidence of how recent is the development of Humanity's concept of International Law, and/or of moral rules governing warfare. Since ancient times, slaughtering a nation's defenseless civilian people, burning their homes and crops, (like Sherman's scorched-earth death march through Georgia in late 1864), including through cruel sieges to starve them or have them die of thirst, were accepted standards of warfare. Few of us can even imagine the cruelty of the deadly drama of Caesar's siege of Alesia. We humans have behaved this way since ancient times, until we just recently began to think about this concept of creating International Law, and applying a universal concept of morality to all other people, rather than just within our own tribes.
This is what I have tried to point out in the course of our dialogue. When the US fire-bombing of Tokyo incinerated 100,000 defenseless Japanese civilian people in their own homes in a single night, 100,000 human beings, men, women, children, and babies, burnt to black charcoal crisp in one night, with these deadly fire-bombing raids taking place night after night, killing an estimated 3 million Japanese civilians BEFORE the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which we spared from the fire-bombing raids to 'save' them for the nuclear bombs, this did not unduly disturb our own nation's moral scruples.
The moral considerations we are applying to Israel's behavior represent a quantum-leap advance in Human Morality, just over the last 80 or so years. Actually far less than that. We killed about 30% of the entire civilian population of North Korea in the early 1950s, which amounted to killing about 3 million people. Then we slaughtered another 3 million or so in Viet Nam in the 60s, only 60 years ago. How many civilian deaths have our constant wars this century caused? I think the estimate is another 1 to 2 million. When it comes to mass killing, estimating the number of deaths is always an 'imperfect science' of course.
No nation on Earth is without 'sin', and we don't have to go back very far in ANY nation's history to find that sin. Much more often than not, the span of a single human lifetime, within the living memory of people now alive, is plenty far enough to find plenty of 'sin' in the history of most nations.
To be forgiven for our trespasses, we must forgive others for their trespasses against us. For non-Christian readers, possibly not familiar with the Christian religion, this is quoted from the Christian 'Lord's Prayer'. (I'm not a Christian myself, per se, though I do revere Christ's teachings, and I was raised in a Christian nation and society). There is no nation on Earth that is exempt from the need to be forgiven, and thus every nation must learn to forgive other nations.
Among our tribal species, many great prophets have risen to try to teach us such 'moral' lessons. But the prophets we most revere, the ones we 'worship', all walked among us thousands of years ago. Others, like Gandhi-ji, Mandela, Dr. King, and others we could name, have more recently tried to teach us the SAME lessons as the ancient ones tried, mostly in vain, to teach us.
Humanity now needs another Great Prophet for our times. But if one appeared, how would she or he reveal herself or himself? Amidst the constant deafening cacophony of modern Mass Media, how would a prophet even be heard? If she or he found a way to be heard, would the lessons she or he would try to teach not be the exact same lessons that all the Great Prophets that have come before have tried to teach?
Treat others as ye wish to be treated by others. Has every Great Prophet not taught that self-same lesson? Is that one lesson not the very taproot of all human morality? We are only 'poor dumb humans'. We are not 'gods'. Nor can we ever be. We are mortal living creatures burdened, in the very juices of our bodies, with burning animal Desire. None are without 'sin' as we each compete to try to satisfy our yearning bestial appetites. If we wish to be forgiven, we must learn to forgive.
If a new Great Prophet found a way to reveal herself or himself, are those not the SAME lessons she or he would try to teach us?
As far as I know, the history of the Jewish People is 'unique' among the annals of our tragic human story. If they have been "chosen" by some 'God', it is surely to provide us with an example of ruinous human Pride gone amok to become the sin of hubris, gone to become the deadly destructive force the Jewish People have been, in every society they have ever lived among.
It is a story steeped in great irony, as it is the many good and admirable qualities that these Jewish People exhibit that has always been their downfall. Reverence for family, and for ancestors. Reverence for God. Reverent cooperation among the entire tribe to strive toward collective goals. The ability to organize themselves in pursuit of collective goals. The ability for long term planning, sacrificing nearer term gratifications to achieve long-term collective goals.
These are all very admirable traits.
But Pride itself is an admirable trait, until it isn't. Taking Pride in oneself, and/or in one's tribe, disciplines us to behavior that benefits the tribe... Until it doesn't…
Have you read the poet William Blake, Ken? We humans live on the skin of a delicate bubble. The bubble is composed of precisely balanced opposing forces. The air pressure inside the buddle must exactly balance the pressure outside, or else the bubble will pop.
In his own time, many considered the visionary Blake a 'madman', as he thundered out his visionary concepts of dialectically opposing forces. Reason and Desire. Innocence and Experience. Pride and Humility. The Tyger (sic) and the Lamb. 'The Marriage of Heaven and Hell'. Every force driving our behavior must be balanced by an opposing force, or else good forces will quickly become destructive forces. Reason will crush Desire, if allowed to, and vice versa. Experience wil cruelly extinguish innocence. Pride will obliterate Humility.
Pride is an excellent example. Humility is its opposing force. If Pride is not balanced by Humility, it becomes hubris, and eventually can become 'Mein Kampf', (My Struggle). Pride pushes outward. Humility balances that force, pushing inward.
Healthy, moral, and harmonious human existence lives on the delicate skin of the bubble formed by and between dialectically opposing forces.
Should Desire dominate Reason, destructive mayhem will ensue. But the opposite is also true. We are living creatures. Life itself is Desire. Life is Appetite. Life yearns to feed its appetites. If we allow Reason to crush our living Desires, destructive mayhem will also ensue.
There must be a balance between these opposing forces, or the bubble of 'civilization' will pop, and blood will soon flow freely, and fires will burn unchecked.
I recently quoted to you, Ken, (I think it was you, although I correspond with a lot of people), from the great American Historians, Will and Ariel Durant, from whose life's work, 'The Story of Civilization', I learned a great deal. The Durants were an inspirational couple. Have you ever read O'Henry's 'The Gift of the Magi', Ken? (A video of a reading aloud). It's the story of a devoted, loving marriage, in which each holds the happiness of the other above her or his own, a concept largely lost in our sick, licentious American 'me first' culture. My Ukrainian grandparents, who hardly spoke English, who grew in and from an old world culture, were such a couple, as were the Durants, (she born in Russia), married and working together for over 60 years, then dying within two weeks of one another.
They wrote:
"No one man, however brilliant or well-informed, can come in one lifetime to such fullness of understanding as to safely judge and dismiss the customs or institutions of his society, for these are the wisdom of generations after centuries of experiment in the laboratory of history. A youth boiling with hormones will wonder why he should not give full freedom to his sexual desires; and if he is unchecked by custom, morals, or laws, he may ruin his life before he matures sufficiently to understand that sex is a river of fire that must be banked and cooled by a hundred restraints if it is not to consume in chaos both the individual and the group."
That is the voice of Reason opposing our raw, powerfully burning, animal Desire. Sexual repression is as 'bad' as sexual licentiousness. But 'Civilization' demands that we find a way to restrain the burning power of our animal Desires within bounds that allow us to live together in harmony. Thus, rules are handed down, like "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's husband or wife".
In devout Muslim societies, women have learned that their long-term happiness, as mothers with devoted husbands and loving children, is best served by restraining the display of their sexual charms, and their sexual behavior as well. These concepts of 'female modesty', and 'female virtue' have, of course, been eradicated from our sick American culture, in which women do everything they can to be as sexually provocative as possible at all times, and, of course, women have fully embraced 'alley-cat-in-heat' promiscuity as their dominant behavior, unrestrained by any consideration of the longer term consequences of such behavior. They then arrive into their 40s, unmarried, facing the rest of their lives alone, with no families, or else burdened with the travails of single motherhood.
Anyway... Sorry... Not meaning to distract from the discussion of the Ancient Tribe, of the unique and deadly history of the Jewish People, with a discussion of human sexual mores. Although the subjects are actually closely related, as it is a fact that Jewish people own our entire porn industry, and many think that eroding our social mores is their deliberate intent, to weaken the moral fabric of our society, to weaken the institution of 'the family' from whence people draw our moral strength and power, all to make us more compliant to be controlled by cunning Jewish Elites.
I will admit that I personally have come to believe that's true. Although there is no proof of it, there's plenty of evidence, which I won't go into here.
For the purpose of this essay, I hope it's clear that I'm only citing the example of our culture's sexual mores to make the point that our human existence, as cogent animals, as 'cognitive apes', as living creatures throbbing with our biological desires, but gifted with the immense powers of Reason, needs desperately to find the way to become 'civilized' before we annihilate ourselves. To do so we must recognize that we live on the skin of what I have called "Blake's Bubble", when I was teaching these crucial concepts to my own three daughters, (now grown women with babes of their own, 7 grandchildren), which I hope they are now teaching to their children. We live in the tension formed between dialectically opposing forces.
This is the root of what I've heard called "the Goldilocks principle". Too hot, no good. Too cold, no good. It's all porridge, but warm is 'just right'.
Pride is good, until it's not. Too little pride is as bad as too much. Unrestrained by its opposing force, Humility, Pride becomes one of the seven DEADLY 'sins'. Look how much deadly suffering that their unrestrained Pride, grown to arrogant hubris, has brought down on the Jewish People's own heads.
The Jewish People are a very 'gifted' tribe. They are 'gifted' with many talents. But "chosen"? 'Chosen' by God? For what? For what purpose do they think their God chose them? What qualities do they think they possess that makes them worthy of being God's "chosen people"? What do they think makes them, as 16 million people, (the estimated current total population of Jews on Earth), somehow distinct from the 8500 million of us non-Jews? What makes them 'special'? Why were THEY "chosen", in their relatively small number, from among all we teeming BILLIONS of other humans?
Unrestrained by Humility, their belief in their own "chosen-ness" has very obviously become arrogant Hubris, and it once again is now bringing DEADLY danger to their doorsteps.
The Jewish People are 'too good' at what they do for their own good. This is a VERY old story, which has now been told, and re-told, for some 2000 years. They have lived as minuscule minorities among societies of non-Jews for all these years of what's called the Jewish Diaspora, but have kept themselves apart, as a culturally insular tribe. They have arrogantly declared themselves to be "God's favorite people". (Deuteronomy 7 : 6). They have declared that the children of non-Jews are not good enough to marry Jewish children. And they have worked together, as a tribe, working with admirable cooperation toward collective tribal goals, with resounding success, to gain control over the most crucial levers of power, in EVERY society they have ever lived among.
They have enjoyed the advantage of working cooperatively, as an insular but cohesive tribal group, while living among people competing as individuals, aided only by their family groups at best, for power and success in the society.
We ALL know that Jews ALWAYS come to control the monetary, banking, and financial systems of EVERY society they have EVER lived among. They strive for control of the legal systems, and of whatever academic institutions that exist. Since the invention of the printing press in the 1400s, they have gained control of every society's Mass Media.
They have become SO successful in gaining power over other people's lives in every society, that over all these 20 centuries, eventually the other people come to resent them, and then to hate them. We all surely know that the Jewish People have been expelled, en masse, from over 100 nations and/or city-states, from over 100 different societies, usually with huge degrees of deadly violence wrought on them in the process.
But they NEVER learn... (At least they never have, but that seems to be changing in the current generation)... They never change their tribal ways. They just move on, and start doing the same things again in the next society they settle among.
This has been going on for 2000 years. This is a 'unique' history. All human ethnic groups tend to be tribal, but no other ethnic group has exhibited this fierce a degree of tribalism, this fierce a degree of cultural rejection of assimilation into the larger society, as have the Jewish People.
What Hitler did to the Jewish People was HORRIBLE. No decent moral person would ever claim otherwise. But it was due to these SAME factors that have brought so much suffering down on these people's heads, for so many centuries, that Hitler's crazed evil message resonated so widely among the German people. Raw Jewish power had caused so much suffering among the non-Jewish German people, that Hitler's deadly evil message found fertile soil among the German people in which to take root and thrive.
But with the exception of the younger generation of Jews in the US, this Ancient Tribe STILL haven't learned the obvious lesson that 2000 years of deadly painful history has tried to teach them. They're doing it all again, only now much WORSE. Now they have stolen a territory from its indigenous inhabitants, that they claim as their own homeland. To protect that territory, they have captured complete effective control over our nation, over the US, and over the primary vassal nations of the US Empire as well.
And from their seat of power over this US Empire, they have openly declared, as they have in the notorious Wolfowitz Doctrine, that this Jewish-dominated US Empire must rule over the entire Earth, over all other nations, over all Humanity. They've come right out and said this OUT LOUD! The Jews who rule America must rule the world!
Their methodology is the same. They have worked together, as a tribe, to achieve their collective tribal goals, in a society in which all other tribes have mostly, (at least to a much greater extent than have the Jews), assimilated into the society. Thus other people are competing as individuals for positions within the society, while the Jews are competing as a cohesive tribal group focused on achieving that group's collective tribal goals. Shameless 'nepotism' is a primary tool. Any Jew who gains any advantageous social position, will immediately begin promoting other Jews to advantageous positions.
And as they always have, they have successfully captured effective control of ALL our nation's most crucial levers of power. They have gained effective control over our monetary system, (over the creation of our currency), and over our banking and financial systems. They have captured control over our legal system, and over Academia. Most crucially, of course, they control ALL our Mass Media, which gives them complete effective control of our electoral system, which together with their raw economic power, gives them complete effective control over our entire government.
These Jewish Elites forces don't rule over our nation alone. All the nation's Super Wealthy Elites have a share of the tyrannical power we now live under. But the Jewish Elite Forces are the DOMINANT power, by FAR. No other faction among the Elite Tyrants who now rule over us have the power to defy the power of the Jewish faction.
If the Oil Barons wanted to bring repression down on the college campuses, they could not do so by themselves. They couldn't call in the forces of police state repression, coast to coast, to arrest climate activists protesting against the policies of Big Oil. The same is true for any other faction among the Elites who rule over us. Only the Jewish Elites have the raw power over our nation to cause coast to coast police state repression to be brought down on every college campus in the entire nation.
Not a SINGLE institution of higher learning in the entire nation is defying the commands of the US Jewish Tyrants that students' most basic democratic rights must be crushed by the raw power of the 'police state'. Freedom of Speech in America now lies dead, its prostrate body still rotting right in front of us, in the spring sunshine. The Jewish American Tyrants that rule over us have murdered it. No criticism of the morally depraved behavior of the tiny foreign country of Israel, or of the Jewish American Tyrants' own crazed Jewish Supremacy, is allowed in America. All who speak freely, exercising our First Amendment rights, to criticize the tiny foreign country of Israel, do so under ever increasing threat of great peril. If anyone DARES criticize Jewish Supremacy, if anyone DARES complain about the power of the Jewish American Tyrants, those Tyrants will use the very power that they pretend not to have to destroy those people's lives.
The Jewish American Elite Tyrants' control over our nation is so complete, that we are forced to watch and listen as the morally demented monster, Netanyahu, is given Mass Media access to lecture the American People, as if he were our own nation's president, on the imperative need to stamp out the last vestiges of freedom of speech in America.
Look at this video, of Colonel Larry Wilkerson, US Army retired, (Colin Powell's ex-top aide), during an interview conducted by the best podcaster in the nation, (imo), Andrew Napolitano, reacting in anger to the demented monster Netanyahu's pathological LIES. Go to the 16:58 mark of the video, and watch to the 21:00 mark, to see the depth of the anger engendered in a patriotic American listening this morally demented pathologically lying leader of a foreign country lecturing the American People as to why we need to stamp out the last vestiges of freedom of speech in our nation, to prevent anyone from criticizing Israel's morally depraved mass murder of defenseless people.
Have you heard, Ken, that a law has been proposed in the US Congress to create a federal force of Jewish Supremacy Police to patrol the nation's college campuses, to force colleges to adequately punish anyone who DARES criticize the morally depraved behavior of the "Nation State of the Jewish People", (as Israel has passed a law declaring itself to be). Any college that fails to comply with the commands of the Federal anti-Semitism Police, ro adequately punish anti-Semitism, (as defined by the Jewish Supremacy Police), this law proposes, will have their federal funding cut off.
Glenn Greenwald published an interview today with two Columbia U students, one Jewish and the other Muslim. These students are an inspiration to us ALL, of course, and have the potential to become a 'vanguard' of something far larger, but in the course of the interview these students reveal that they don't yet fully understand the reality of what they are doing.
They are very young, of course, and still learning about how the world works, but they seem to have a good ways to go as far as expanding their consciousness into a broader awareness of just what they are doing. They don't yet seem to understand that they are not merely protesting a government policy, but are actually engaging in an open revolt against the Tyrants that rule over our nation. They are openly challenging the tyrannical authority of the Ruling Tyrants. But they don't yet understand the full nature of the fight they're in.
At one point, the students express their opposition to their actions being interpreted as fighting for freedom of speech, saying that they would rather that the focus remain entirely on the genocide in Gaza. Under pointed questioning from Mr. Greenwald, they did walk back that statement a good bit, but their general demeanor and attitude seemed to reveal a degree of political naivete, which might likely be eradicated, if they are determined enough, by the nightsticks of the agents of the Jewish Tyrants' 'police state'.
Mr. Greenwald likes to point out the anti-free-speech hypocrisy of the pro-Israel powers that so recently were the champions of free speech when they were being 'canceled' by Woke Cult campus groups. In this recent video, he holds up Texas Governor Greg Abbott's rank hypocrisy as an example, when he shows Abbott signing a decree declaring freedom of speech in Texas, and on all Texas college campuses. Abbott's motive for doing so was to counter the Woke Cult Left's well-practiced efforts to silence anyone who disagrees with them about ANYTHING. The Woke Cult has long shown its outright contempt for freedom of speech.The Woke Cult Left, which now appears to comprise the heart of the pro-Palestinian actions on so many college campuses, now, of course, wants to exercise their OWN freedom of speech without being subject to being silenced or 'canceled'.
Mr. Greenwald points out the gross hypocrisy of people like Governor Abbott, who so recently was a champion of free speech on Texas college campuses, who now wants to crush free speech in Texas by sending police state forces to silence the pro-Palestinian people. But Mr. Greenwald now doesn't say anything (although to his credit he has in the past), about the hypocrisy of the pro-Palestinian protestors, many of whom are Woke Cult Leftists who were so recently wanting to silence anyone they disagreed with, and are now having their own freedom of speech repressed.
This points to the obvious 'cognitive dissonance' any honest observer must experience in regarding this nation-wide campus uprising. The contradictions these people are presenting are glaringly obvious. (There are many more I won't go into here). There isn't as yet a cohesively integrated 'belief system', any cohesive, integrated analysis of our dangerous national predicament, that can sustain this effort and grow it into something substantially larger, as a wider revolt against the power of the Jewish-dominated Tyrants who now rule over our lives
How closely are these students, now so courageously taking a stand for a moral cause, related to the Woke Cult crowd? Their forces include many young Jewish people, of course, who are breaking with Zionism, and hopefully, (though it''s not yet clear), with the Cult of Jewish Supremacy. It's not really yet clear to me, who these young students are, or what their general belief system is, (if indeed they have one), although I've heard reports that some of their primary organizers are being funded by George Soros' Open Society money. They're actually being paid salaries to organize these campus encampments. (Who do we think is buying all those matching tents?) That' of course, smacks of the Soros-funded Woke Cult... Let's see... Soros is funding the brazen 'lawfare' against Trump, and is backing the increasingly fascist Democratic Party, and is funding the Woke Cult, but he's also funding these anti-Israel forces?
Hmm.... As far as I can see, this is not yet a cohesively integrated 'movement', although it clearly has the potential to become one. Let's hope that their consciousness expands with their experience. Thus far, some disturbingly confused statements are being issued. In their zeal to deny being 'anti-Semitic', for example, some of these students are issuing statements denying the known facts about the history of the Jewish people, and are denying the obvious reality of Jewish Supremacy, and Jewish Power over our nation. By denying well-known facts, in order to dodge accusations of anti-Semitism, they are allowing themselves to be controlled by their own adversaries.
Let's hope they learn fast as things develop.
Is Soros funding a 'control the opposition' type 'limited hangout'? I won't go into that, Not too many people understand what that even means. Few people, in fact, seem to understand the degree of highly sophisticated cunning being applied to the psychological control of our population. I'm not going into that here... this essay is already long enough.
That's it for me on this subject, Ken, unless you want to pursue some other aspect of it.
KF: It seems to me also that we have exhausted the original topic of the settlements vis-a-vis final settlement options and, after arriving at a mutually satisfactory conclusion, have entered into the even more controversial question of Zionist-Jewish control of the political and social landscape, a subject that many consider a dangerous minefield, but which can only be ignored at great peril.
To me it seems that what you've written here is all pretty valid, so I'll just say "ditto." But a little feedback on a couple of your points to round out our dialogue, and to thank you for your own very energetic contribution thereto:
On the subject of Jewish "tribal strategy," I only want to ask whether this based on your own assessment or whether you learned this from the works of my old friend Kevin McDonald. If you arrived at these conclusions independently, I highly recommend his sociological treatment of this question to galvanize them.
On the subject of pride and humility, yes, as Lao Tse (Laozi) famously asks in his Tao Teh Ching: "What can stand lofty with no low foundation?" However, while you provided examples of excess pride, I was disappointed that you didn't include any of excess humility. Is this because it's too rare a malady? Or because it is a disease to which Zionist Jews have natural immunity?
Finally, on the subject of national sins and their ubiquity, not only do I agree with you completely, but I have written extensively on this question on my Substack "Recovenanting America." I have gone so far as to term it the Original Sin of nations, or perhaps we might say, Originating Sin, but enough ontology...
Thanks again for agreeing to this dialogue, and for your prodigious contributions to it.
Peace out.
Ken Freeland can be reached at, his Substack is Recovenanting America.
R Zwarich can be reached at
Shamireaders listserve, a free service where the writings of Israel Shamir and others are showcased on questions such as these, can be found at